Komahina week day 1- pre-despair/pining

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Oki so these will be short drabbles/stories to keep up with my motivation, but I really wanted to partake in this so here

Following a boy who's talent was pure luck was exhausting. It was never simple, like one day he'd be at school and the next out in a trash yard as with no explanation and little reason.

But, even though he was exhausted, Hajime stayed persistent and stubborn

Originally, his plan was to befriend more than just Chiaki, so he started observing them a bit more via little walks around their side and the dorms, and sometimes looking at one or two of their social media's.

But then there was one student that caught his eye. It was always one, but Hajime knew this one was a little different than normal.

To summarise, Hajime found himself infatuated with Nagito Komaeda, the Ultimate lucky student of the class. Although Nagito was unlike every other lucky student he'd encountered. This boy had luck that seemed to ruin his life while simultaneously causing miracles to save it. It was truly fascinating to Hajime, hence the sudden focus on him.

Some in his class had called this behaviour stalking, though really that wasn't the case. He never got too personal or followed him any further than allowed, and never climbed into trees or hid behind bushes like other people suggested. Ok yes he did stalk his social media, but he did that for most of the people in the class.

And the more he followed and learned, the more the infatuation turned to feeling a sort of small crush. Which Hajime did not care for, especially since the guy never knew he even existed.

Well, he didn't until Hajime decided to act on his feelings and talk to him.


It was a usual weekend, nothing much to comment on, and Hajime was taking a walk through the park with boredom. He never anticipated that Nagito would be there, albeit he could tell what would happen.

"Little help please?" Nagito pleaded, his shirt caught on something in the pond that he was also in. Hajime looked a little concerned.

"How'd you get there?" Hajime asked.

"Well I was just taking a walk and well, I tripped over some pebbles while trying to look into the water." Nagito looked away with red on his face. "It's worthless anyway, probably deserved it forgetting when my luck would come in."

Hajime shook his head. "Oh- don't say that." He scolded a little. He then put his bag on the floor and rolled up his jeans, thankfully he was only wearing a t-shirt instead of his blazer or shirt. Then he entered the pond where the other was. "Where did your shirt get stuck?"

"Oh so you're helping? I thought you would of ran away already." Nagito said a little hopeful and a bit awkward.

"Well I gotta, can't leave you stuck. And it would probably make me a bad guy not helping an ultimate or whatever." Hajime responded plunging his hands into the cold water and yanking on where the shirt was stuck. "How'd you manage this?!"

"I'm truly sorry for being this irritating, I can't offer much but surely this scum of the earth could get you something after this?"

"What's with the self-depreciation? Calm down. You don't need to do anything." Hajime shut his mouth after to focus, and after a few more tugs and pulls the shirt and Nagito were free. Both boys stood, staring at each other awkwardly. "I'm Hajime by the way if you want to know." He said to fill the silence.

"Nagito Komaeda, though you don't need to remember me." Nagito bowed. Hajime slid his hand through his hair and to the back of his neck, itching it awkwardly.

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