🥀-i love you so much...

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Suki suki daisuki....
hello I am not dead

Komaeda walked down the path to school, slowly and carefully so he couldn't be spotted. Spotted by who? Hinata of course. He kept a mask up, hiding behind walls when he could. Komaeda always did this, every morning day and night.

Escalating feelings that far exceed common sense.

'He'll never be as pretty' he thinks to himself, locking himself in his room again. Komaeda grabs a photo of Hinata and hugs it as he falls onto his bed.

A rose-coloured love that popped up like a sudden mutation.

Hinata's girlfriend is in that same photo. Nanami, a calm and gentle girl. But her face is scratched out, only Hinata is visible. That's how all of his photos were.

A love so pure that you could call it violent.

Komaeda wasn't content with this anymore. He needed her gone, he needed Nanami gone. Hinata should be his and nobody else's. He grabs a bat and sneaks out of his room.

A je t'aime so forceful that it's already been engraved into the Showa era.

Komaeda runs and runs, trying to run to Nanami's. Then as he gets there, he notices Nanami in her window.

He climbs into her room, and....

Kiss me like you're punching me

Komaeda wiped the blood off of his face. He looked satisfied. He wasn't smiling. He looked down on her. Hinata was his now.

As the blood clots on my lips

The next day, Hinata was told she simply, left and transferred to another school, as well as moved house.

As dense as Hinata was, he noticed something off about Komaeda's face, but disregarded it.

Hold me as my ribs make a cracking sound and break.

Komaeda grew closer to him, and eventually they started going out. Komaeda felt glad, but something was most definitely off about Hinata.

He didn't seem as happy as he was with Nanami.

He didn't love him back.

I like you, I like you, I love you!

One day, Komaeda dragged him over to his house. Hinata hastily followed. He ignored the heavy breathing, and the terrible feeling in his gut.

I like you, I like you, I love you!

"Hinata? Do you wish to know what happened to Nanami all those months ago?"

"What...? You know?"

I like you, I like you, I love you!

"I- I murdered her for the sake of hope."

Hinata screamed and tried to run, unfortunately the door was locked. Komaeda pulled out a knife, closing in on Hinata, putting it dangerously close to his neck.

Say you love me....or I'll kill you!

"You don't love me anymore Hinata."

Hinata feels pain, as his neck is slowly slit open.

"And if I can't have you...."

Komaeda sticks the knife into Hinata's abdomen.

"...no one can."

Komaeda laughs. He laughs and laughs and laughs. Hinata cries out in pain desperately trying to grasp as his slipping consciousness.

"I love you so much Hinata..."

I don't know what this is. Sorry for not posting in forever.

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