🌸-Nagito Komeadas birthday special

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Also I'm working on part 2 of the sound of laughter so that'll be out after this maybe

Nagito disliked many things. His birthday included. Just another day, why would anybody celebrate his birthday? He was a trash person, who shouldn't even be acknowledged.

Well, that's what he thought anyway. Hajime thought the opposite. He wanted to be with him the entire day, and spend every moment he could celebrating.

Hajime knocked on his lovers door, waiting patiently for an answer. It was around six in the morning, but he knew Nagito usually got up around this time. The door opened, showing a somewhat sleepy Nagito. His hair was a little messier than usual and he was just wearing his shirt and jeans.

"Ahh, good morning Hajime! Why are you at my door first thing in the morning...?" Nagito asked.

"Oh um, sorry if I disturbed you, I just wanted to be the first person to see you on your birthday." Hajime blushed a little saying that. It felt a little awkward, but it was fine.

"Oh it's that time is it? Come in then." The brunette entered the room and let Nagito get ready for the day. He couldn't go out looking like a zombie, even though he still looked adorable.

After Nagito got ready Hajime couldn't help but give him a hug. He knew Nagito didn't like his birthday, and he had heard the whole speech he had given about a hundred times. That still didn't stop him.

"I just wanna spend the day with you today that's all. Maybe watch some fireworks after?" He said. Nagito looked at him with a face full of wonder.

"I've never seen fireworks." It was true, but only because he feared his luck would ruin it. Knowing that it could probably ruin today too.

"That's tonight though. First we need breakfast." He took Nagito's hand and led him toward the restaurant. Thankfully nobody was there, so the two of them had some more alone time.

Nagito didn't look right however, he poked at his food and just stared down at it.

"Hey Nagito, are you feeling alright?"

"Oh I'm fine Hajime, just tired that's all." Well that was an obvious lie.

"Hey, it's gonna be alright! I'm here for you Nagito." The comfort made Nagito smile, and the two shared a kiss. Even seeing Hajime smile was enough to make him feel loved.

"This will be your best birthday ever, I won't let anything stop it."


Firstly, they went to the pool. Nagito liked the pool, and they also had that all to themselves, Nagito questioned it a little but didn't really think into it too much.

Hajime then pushed Nagito in, and that lifted his mood definitely. At least that made him laugh.

"Heyyy Hajime?! Why did you do that?" He said while spitting out water. Hajime laughed but at the wrong moment he slipped and fell in himself.

"I guess my luck is affecting you now, then again it always has." Both of them held each other and laughed it all out, it was around seven in the morning. The sun was up but there was still morning light peering through just hitting off the pool and catching their eyes.

After their little swim Hajime brought Nagito on a random walk. Most of it was either pointless small talk or comfortable silence. While the two felt close, Hajime really wanted to bring them closer.

They ended up at the beach like always by the end of it, it was one of their favourite spots, as they met just around there, when Hajime sort of passed out after the whole classroom turns into an island thing. But that was the neo world program. This was real life.

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