🌸-the sound of laughter

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A/n: this just came into my head randomly, also can we all agree Hajime is a tsundere

"Hey Hinata-kun!" Nagito knocked on his cottage door. No response.

"Hinata I know you're in there." Still no response.

"I'll break down this door if I have to!" Hajime still didn't respond. Nagito decided there wasn't really any point continuing as Hajime was probably going to ignore him again, so he did the next thing he could think of and broke open the door. At least it was still on its hinges.

There he found Hajime asleep on his bed with a wet cloth on his forehead. He looked a little red too. Nagito suddenly realised maybe this wasn't the right time to be here. He went to leave but stopped when he him move.

"K-Komaeda? What are you doing here?" Hajime had woken up.

"Oh uh- nothing Hinata-kun, just thought I'd drop by." He tried to leave again but Hajime sat up and tried to stop him.

"Wait, don't go I actually wanted some company, and what did I tell you? It's just Hajime." Nagito laughed. Hajime rolled his eyes.

"Oh no, I don't deserve to call you by your first name, but I really should be going." Nagito replied. Hajime mentally scolded him, but didn't say anything out loud because he didn't want to say anything potentially hurtful. Nagito decided to stay just then and sat on Hajime's bed.

"You do deserve to, your a good friend Nagito." The two stared at each other in silence.

"I am?" Nagito questioned. The brunette simply nodded and smiled.

The white haired boy averted his gaze from him, and got up. "You want me to replace your towel or anything?" Nagito didn't really know what to do. I mean Hajime had a fever.

The brunette nodded, and handed Nagito the towel. He picked up the bowl of water which had gone warm, and disappeared into the bathroom.

"Ah, I hope you get better Hinata-kun. If only I could bring you good luck, alas if I were to do that it would inflict me with the worst." While Nagito went off on a little hope spiel, which Hajime could hear, he thought about things.

Like why did he accept Nagito's help? He usually wouldn't. 'Blame it on the fever' he thought. Not the massive crush he definitely didn't have on Nagito, definitely.

Speak of the devil, Nagito re-entered the room, bowl and towel in hand. He sat back down on the bed and replaced the towel onto Hajime's forehead.

"That feel better?" His tone had completely changed from earlier to a more calm and considerate tone.

"Yeah, Thanks." Hajime smiled but then looked away.

The two went into silence for a minute, they didn't really know what to speak about.

"Well, why did you come over Nagito? Did anyone tell you about my fever?" Hajime asked. Nagito thought about it for a second then spoke.

"Nobody spoke to me today. Nanami tried to but then just said she had to go somewhere."

"So you figured you'd come see me." He had to admit, he was feeling a little bad for Nagito. I mean, poor guy couldn't get anyone to hang out with him.

Hajime decided to lighten the mood a little, before it got too depressing. "Hey, How is it me that gets the fever and not you? You literally wear that jacket all day." He joked. Nagito laughed at the sudden lighthearted moment.

"I guess it's just my luck." The white haired boy smiled brightly. "At least you can't go around the island with that awkward little run."

"Hey! My run doesn't look awkward!" Hajime giggled. Nagito suddenly moved closer to him, suddenly replacing the towel on his forehead with the palm of his hand.

"You're definitely burning up Hinata-kun. Such a shame, I really wanted to go on a walk or something with you." Hajime's face went a shade of red. "Oh, have I gone and made it worse?" Nagito removed his hand, and replaced the towel.

"No, it's nothing Nagito." Hajime tried to lie, but then the other caught on pretty quickly.

"Are you flustered?" Nagito asked. The shade of red on the brunettes face went darker, giving Nagito the answer he needed.

Nagito laughed, a somewhat unexpected reaction from him. Nagito didn't really want to take it any further than that, as careless flirting or teasing might lead to a hella awkward situation. So he decided to mess with him instead.

He grabbed the glass of orange juice Hajime had on his dresser, and gave him a look.

"Nagito, What the heck are you doing? Give me the glass before you break it!" He swiped his hand for the glass, but missed and fell forward, face-planting on the bed.

"Missed Hinata!" He was just laughing now.

"At least you dropped the connotation, but still, give me the glass!" Another failure. The third time however, went a little different. Although he still never got the glass, Nagito accidentally held the glass at the wrong angle, and poured the juice onto his head.

"Oops." He giggled. "so this is what I get, how unlucky."

Hajime burst out laughing, sure his bed was now slightly sticky, but that didn't really matter to him.

Nagito stared at the brunette in adoration. "Hinata..." he trailed off.

"What?" Hajime replied in a fit of laughter.

"Your laugh...it's adorable." Hajime blushed intensely, his laugh starting to calm down.

"Ohh sorry...didn't mean to make you blush." Nagito probably shouldn't have blurted that out. Well, he wasn't going to, it just slipped. He stood up, and headed to the door. "Well, I ought to go. This was fun."

Hajime smiled and watched, waving him off, as he left. The last thing he heard slip from Nagito however, changed the mood a little.

"I admit, this is probably why I fell in love with you. Hajime."

And that's the only thing he thought about for the rest of the day.

A/n: Part 2? Idk. I basically named it "the sound of laughter"  cause I made up the "Hajime laughing and Nagito complimenting it" thing before, then turned it into this.

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