She was not making any sense. Probably the test results were clear and Naomi was disappointed. Fucking nutjob. Where the hell was the police? What was taking them so long?!

"What has my health got to do with the fact that you want to kill me?", Irene asked as calmly as she could. 

"Your health?", Naomi shrieked with laughter. "I don't give a damn about your health, Irene, but my curiocity paid off."

"What the fuck, Naomi?!", Irene hissed, her patience was running thin. "I don't understand what you mean!"

"You're pregnant, bitch", Naomi spat hatefully. 

The earth stopped spinning. 

Time has stopped.

The noises from the enviroment silenced. 

Irene's ears were ringing. Her heart jumped. Could it be true? She forgot how to breath and her eyes instantly watered. 

"What? Nirvana?", Naomi glared at her, waving the gun like it was some kind of a flug. "Earth to Irene!", she shouted. 

Irene inhaled sharply, staring at the woman. A stream of tears rolled down her cheeks. "I don't believe you...", she mumbled. 

Naomi let out a shuddering laugh, throwing her head back. When the laughter eventually ceased she grabbed a piece of paper from her cleavage and threw it to Irene's feet. 

Irene shivered as she looked down. The soiled envelope had the badge of the diagnostic laboratory where she had gone for the blood tests. She bent down and took it in her hands with her heart pounding hard behind her chest. Her trembling fingers tore the thin paper and through the envelope she took out the results of the laboratory. Her name was written on it and next to it was written the name of her doctor.

White blood cell? Normal. Red blood cell? Normal. Her gaze frantically searched through the results. Haematocrit? Normal. Platelet count? Normal. 

Oh, there it was....

Her breath hitched down her throat and her fingers clenched around the paper. 

Pregnancy test -- Results > Positive
Gestational age > 4-5 weeks

She felt like she was about to faint and she leaned back where the car was. Her back crashed against the hard metal. "I'm--...", she stuttered. "I'm pregnant..."

"Too bad you won't be for too long", Naomi abruptly pointed the gun toward her but she aimed at Irene's stomach this time. 

Luckily for her, Irene reacted instantly this time and jumped to the side, dodging the bullet literally at the last second.

Fortunately, the patrol cars stopped the hysterical crisis that Naomi was about to suffer and Irene's life was saved at the last second. Police officers were thrown out of the patrol cars with revolvers in their hands and screamed at Naomi to drop her weapon. Irene's knees and elbows were full of scratches but fortunately she protected her belly while she fell to the ground and she at least managed to protect the fetus.

"Irene?!", a familiar face invaded Irene's field of vision. It was Greg Lestrade. He helped her up while the police men cuffed the red-head who yelled at them like crazy. 

"For fuck's sake, what took you so long?!", Irene growled at him, shaking. 

"We thought it was a prank!", he checked at her worried. "My God, you look so pale... Are you alright?"

"No, I am not", she brought her trembling hand to her sweaty forehead, trying to ignore the fact that Naomi was still screaming while the police officers were dragging her to the nearest patrol car. "She tried to sedate me and I really need to see a doctor... It's urgent..."

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