26. The Ultimate Test

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Three years later ...


Married life is not as easy as it seems. A normal couple has to deal with problems such as a broken tap or weekly groceries or a broken backyard fence or even problems such as finances or choosing children's clothes or choosing the right school for the children. As you can imagine, all of this never came as a problem for Sherlock and Irene. They obviously were never a normal couple. Their quarrels were epic, every time. Jars were breaking on the walls and their voices could be heard throughout the neighborhood. The reason for their disagreements was always ridiculous. Either Sherlock had forgotten to inform her that he would be away from home for days due to work, or Irene would have organized a party without even informing him, or they would have just been upset for irrelevant reasons.

But they had set some ground rules and that worked in their favor. They had agreed that no matter what happened between them, no matter how much they argued, they would sleep in the same bed at night. So every night the disagreements disappeared and Sherlock hugged Irene.

Life on Baker Street was hectic and fast-paced, especially when the apartment was filled with people calling for the help of Sherlock, Britain's most popular detective. A few months after their marriage, Irene decided to work too because she hated sitting around all day doing nothing productive. Irene was the best burlesque dancer England could have, so she opened her own burlesque dance studio and she thrived. She had many students and girls and boys from around London came to take burlesque classes from her. She even had celebrities as her students.

Their life was interesting and they never got bored during these three years of marriage. Their sex life had evolved and Irene no longer held back her dominant impulses. One would expect Sherlock to never accept this dominant side of Irene, but they would be wrong. In her way Irene managed to gain the trust of Sherlock and she took the reins in her hands. The pleasure they both gained from Irene's domination was explosive.

However, Irene never got pregnant by Sherlock even under these circumstances. Her gynecologist described this condition as bad luck and nothing more. They were both very healthy and still very young. The child would come at some point.

Rosie Watson, meanwhile, had become a beautiful little four-year-old girl who loved spending time with her godfather, Sherlock, and Irene, whom Rosie considered a godmother. Sometimes, when Sherlock and John worked together on a case, Rosie would spend her time in Irene's dance studio and everyone there loved her. The girl had her mother's eyes and her father's smile. She was a lovable girl.

But it would be better to return to more recent events ...


John's house

Irene was on the couch and Rosie had straddled her, trying to apply lipstick on the woman's lips. Irene was trying hard not to laugh while carefully holding the girl from the waist as to not let her fall backwards. Sherlock was sitting beside them, reading a file about a case and conversing with John. It was Monday and Irene had only afternoon classes on Mondays. It was still noon.

She pursed her lips funnily and Rosie giggled loudly, smudging Irene with lipstick around her lips. "Noooooo, don't move!!!", the girl laughed. 

"I bet I look like a clown", Irene laughed as well, throwing her head back to avoid Rosie's lipstick attack. 

"You look pretty!!", the girl protested and painted a red line across Irene's cheek. Rosie snorted, laughing harder than before. 

"Leave me in peace, you little monster!", Irene raised the kid from the waist and softly let her step on the floor, still laughing. 

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