X| Why do you love me

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The Ravenclaw common room was bigger than the Gryffindor. Graceful arched windows punctuated the walls, which were hung with blue- and-bronze silks: By day, the Ravenclaws would have a spectacular view of the surrounding mountains. The ceiling was domed and painted with stars, which were echoed in the midnight-blue carpet. There were tables, chairs, and bookcases, and in a niche opposite the door stood a tall statue of white marble.

"Woah,"Remus whispered,"I've never actually been in here."

"Don't go thinking you belong in Ravenclaw, Moony," James joked, shoving his shoulder.

"What are you two doing in here?" said an airy voice.

James and Remus were met by a pretty Ravenclaw in her robes. Besides her was a tall boy, with long platinum hair that stood out in the common room.

"Hello, I'm Remus. I don't think we've met," said the werewolf.

"I'm Pandora, this is Xeno," said the girl,"Are you looking for someone?"

"Eve, have you seen her?"

"Oh yes, she's in her usual spot," said Xenophillius Lovegood,"With Raina."

"Thank you," said James,"Er, Remus..."

"You talk to Eve alone," said Remus, patting James" back,"I'll stay here."

"So, Remus, do you know that you can experiment with magic-"

James ignored Pandora speaking to his friend and went towards where Xenophillius had pointed. True to his word, Eve sat with Raina, just listening as her friend rambled to her.

"Eve, can I talk to you?"James asked.

Eve looked up in surprise.

"How did you get in here?" said Eve; James shrugged,"Yeah, we can talk. Erm, hang on."

Eve placed her bookmark in her Herbology book before getting up. She made sure Raina couldn't hear them before turning back to James, her hands intertwined in front of her.

"I was wondering if you would like to come to Hogsmeade with me?"James asked.

"L-Like I date?"

"Yeah," James nodded, scratching the back of his neck.

Eve bit her lip, causing James to get a little nervous. To his relief, she nodded.

"Yeah, okay."

James beamed, causing Eve to smile. From across the other side of the common room, Raina put both thumbs up at Eve with a goofy grin. Remus was standing next to her with a reassuring smile.


Eve had never been on a date. No one had even bothered to ask her before. Eve never complained; who wanted to ask a girl who couldn't talk out on a date?

Her ginger hair flowed past her shoulders, curling at the ends. Her green eyes always stood out with her pale complexion and rosy cheeks. She wasn't smartly dressed, feeling that no one would care much. Eve got anxious about Hogsmeade every time she went, no matter how much she loved it. There were simply too many people.

"You got this Eve,"She whispered to herself in the mirror. "It's just James. No threat."

"Hello Eve, you look amazing," said James, beaming.

Eve couldn't see how "Amazing" fit her description of jeans and a jumper but James seemed to think so. Blushed, she took his hand that he had extended out for her. At Seventeen, Eve was still getting flustered over small actions like hand-holding.

Sarcasm → James PotterWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu