Chapter 4: Sooner Or Later, The Truth Will Come Out!

Start from the beginning

Clay Jensen: This is why you're here? Why you've been so nice to me? Why you kissed me?

Sheri Holland: Oh, my God, Clay, no.

Clay Jensen: I think you should leave.

Sheri Holland: Clay, it...

Clay Jensen: Just go!

Sheri grabs her stuff and leaves as Clay could not believe that Sheri tried using him to get to the tapes. Clay would go on to finish Marcus Cole's tape, reason number 6. Clay's mother comes in to check on him as she enters his room.

Laine Jensen: Clay? Honey?

Clay Jensen: What?

Laine Jensen: What happened, sweetie? Is everything okay?

Clay Jensen: I'm fine.

Laine Jensen: You're not fine. I'm your mother. I can tell you're not fine. You haven't been for a while.

Clay Jensen: I don't want to talk about it.

Laine Jensen: I don't care.

Clay Jensen: Why are you taking that case, Mom? Why are you getting involved with all that?

Laine Jensen: Is that why you're upset?

Clay Jensen: Isn't it a conflict of interest?

Laine Jensen: Why would it be? Tell me. Are you being bullied?

Clay Jensen: Am I being bullied? You really want to know? What if I was the bully, Mom? Would you want to know that?

Laine Jensen: You would never be a bully.

Clay Jensen: How do you know?

Laine Jensen: Because I know you. Because you're a good kid.

Clay Jensen: Maybe there aren't any good kids. I have to get ready for bed.

Laine begins making her way out as she stops and turns around.

Laine Jensen: Clay, honey. If this case could hurt you in any way... then I won't take it. But you have to tell me why. You have to tell me what's going on. I can't help you if you don't talk to me.

Clay goes up to his mother as he's about to tear up.

Clay Jensen: You can't help anyway, Mom.

Clay slowly closes the door as he now lays on his bed. Clay had a hard time sleeping, he couldn't stop thinking about what Hannah went through. He thought back to this past Valentine's. He thought back to when he did Dollar Valentine as did Hannah. He told Hannah that he didn't do it until Jeff Atkins showed up at The Crestmont and asked how it went for him in front of Hannah. What Hannah didn't know was that Clay had Hannah number 1 on his Dollar Valentine.

Clay Jensen: Why didn't I just tell her?

The next day he started listening to tape 7, Zach Dempsey. At first he thought he was listening to his tape. The tapes were beginning to take a toll on his mental health. When he arrived at school, he discovers that the school have gave Hannah's locker to new girl since it's pretty likely Hannah won't be coming back if she wakes up. Right now Clay doesn't trust anyone, not even Tony. Later that night, after listening to Zach's tape he decides to go to the Liberty Tigers basketball where Justin & Zach will be playing in the starting line up. Clay enter the school's gym as the basketball team are warming up. Justin & Zach see Clay arriving as does Courtney & Marcus who are at a table booth selling school merchandise as they approach Clay.

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