Chapter 1: October 9th, 2017

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Hannah Baker: Hey, it's Hannah. Hannah Baker. Don't adjust your... whatever device you're hearing this on. It's me, live and in stereo. No return engagements, no encore, and this time, absolutely no requests. Get a snack. Settle in. Because I'm about to tell you the story of my life. More specifically, why my life ended. And if you're listening to this tape... you're one of the reasons why. I'm not saying which tape brings you into the story. But fear not, if you received this lovely little box, your name will pop up. I promise.

I started making a list... trying to piece together just exactly how my life had gone so wrong. And the names that came out. Life is unpredictable... and control is just an illusion. And sometimes all that unpredictability is overwhelming. And it makes us feel small and powerless. And once I took a look back... and I finally understood how everything happened... I decided that no one would ever hurt me again.

Hannah Baker sits in her room recording cassette tapes explaining why she decided to end her life, 13 Reasons Why. She's using a tape recorder that she borrowed from her friend, Tony Padilla. Hannah spent at least 4 days making the tapes as she records the tapes and marks down locations on a map of Evergreen County. When Hannah finished recording reason number 12, she decided to do reason 13.

October 9th, 2017

Hannah Baker: One last try. I'm giving life one last try. I recorded 12 tapes. I started with Justin. Then Jessica. Who each broke my heart. On through Zach and Ryan... who broke my spirit. Through tape number 12... Bryce Walker... who broke my soul. But a funny thing happened as I finished number 12. I felt something... shift. I had poured it all out... and for a minute... just a minute... I felt like maybe I could beat this. I decided to give life one more chance. But this time, I was asking for help... because I know I can't do it alone. I know that now. Of course, if you're listening to this, I failed. Or he failed, and my fate is sealed.

Hannah presses stop as she hears her mother call out for her.

Olivia Baker: Hannah, you're gonna be late for school!

Hannah Baker: Coming, mom.

Hannah grabs the tape recorder and puts it in her backpack and departs for school. As Hannah is at her locker getting her text books...

Marcus Cole: (PA) And congrats to our Liberty Tigers on their first win of the season! Game ball goes to Bryce Walker, 12 catches and two touchdowns!

Bryce come walking in with some of the football players as the other students celebrate them for their victory. Bryce passes by Hannah as he looks at her and winks at her much to her displeasure. As Bryce walks away, she sees Clay at his locker.

Clay, if he only knew.

As Hannah turns back towards her locker, Clay approaches her.

Clay Jensen: I feel like, as a society, our priorities are all out of whack, you know?

Hannah Baker: Yeah. Clay...

Clay Jensen: What?

I wanted to tell him everything: What I saw Bryce do to Jessica, about Jeff, what Bryce did to me, how I feel about him...

Hannah Baker: Never mind. I'll see you in Bradley's.

But my mind's made up. I close my locker and make my way to the office to meet Mr. Porter. Without him even knowing, I turn the tape recorder on.

Kevin Porter: I was glad to see you on my calendar.

Hannah Baker: Why?

Kevin Porter: I'm just glad you made an appointment to come talk. So, uh... what's on your heart today?

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