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Start from the beginning

Gray stepped back, chuckling softly to himself as he sat down in one of the chairs by the recording equipment.

"Uh, excuse me," Leigh wiped her hands and hurried to do her job.

Gray confirmed that it was fine as he hummed a response, resuming what he was concentrated on before.

Leigh went into the recording booth, cleaning up and not realizing that she was humming Gray's song and that he had kept the mic on.

Her humming changed to her singing Gray's song as he kept editing and changing parts of his song.

Neither one knew what was happening.

Soon, Leigh was done and left, bowing goodbye as she left Gray to himself and finished her work.

The next day, Leigh returned to the work. The same old routine as before.

She slipped on her work vest when her boss entered the locker room. "Leigh?" She called out, asking for her.

Leigh turned around, adjusting her vest to see her boss. "Yes?"

The woman stepped into the locker room, a stoic look on her face, making it hard for Leigh to read what she was about to say.

"What happened last night?" She asked Leigh.

Leigh confused, tilted her head. "Just did what I normally do, Ms. Hu, " she answered.

Ms. Hu stared at Leigh as if Leigh didn't have a clue what she was talking about.

"Were you not in one of the studios last night?"

Leigh thought back. Yeah, she was but she didn't think she did anything wrong or did she.

Ms. Hu could see how clueless Leigh was. "Come with me, " Ms. Hu ordered after seeing that this conversation wasn't going anywhere.

Leigh bowed, following as she walked down the same hall as she always did for work.

She continued to follow Ms. Hu until they arrived at the same studio from last night.

Ms. Hu knocked and then opened the door. She wanted Leigh to step in first then she came in, closing the door for privacy.

Inside the studio, Gray and Jay were waiting to see the person who matched the voice on the recording.

Their faces couldn't be read as Leigh stood nervously wondering what was this about.

In time, Leigh turned around, hitting the play button.

Before they knew it, Leigh's voice rang through as she sang Leigh's song.

"That's you right?" Gray asked.

Leigh wasn't too sure. She has never heard her voice like that before so she couldn't confirm nor deny that it was.

Leigh sighed as he turned off the recording.

He was so tired after spending so much time in the studio that he assumed that his mind could be playing tricks on him.

Leigh said nothing as she was in the process of leaving the studio when Jay called out to her.

"Do you remember the lyrics from yesterday, Ms. King?"

Leigh halted to recap the lyrics to the song. She thought hard until she was humming and before knowing that she was singing the song.

All eyes lit up as she continued to sing until the very end.

Leigh opened her eyes, seeing three sets of eyes staring at her with amazement.

It was quiet until Leigh hopped up from his hair, clapping his hands together. "Yo, we gotta sign her, " he told Jay.

And, soon Leigh and Lia's life changed. No more living in a small, cramped studio apartment.

A night-scale apartment to a condo. Things were looking up for them.

Leigh was touring and performing in different countries and Lia was her manager.

Leigh even performed together with Gray on the song when they first heard her voice.

He stated that he knew he was missing something in that song and figured out that it needed a woman's voice to counteract his.

Their song blew up, chatting charts all over the world.

They were a match made in heaven.

Their relationship is on mutual grounds but sometimes it doesn't last that way forever.

Leigh's feelings were blooming but she didn't know how Gray felt about her.

Privately Leigh approached Gray as he was preparing to go on after Jung Ki-suck/Simon D just completed his number.

"Normally, I'm not the type to be upfront about things, especially my feelings but I was wanting to know if we can go out sometimes, " Leigh said. "On a personal level instead, I mean."

Gray stood still for a moment. Shocked that someone was expressing their feelings to him.

"Leigh, well, you see, I'm seeing someone. No hard feelings, right?" Gray wondered as he placed a friendly gesture of his hand on Leigh's shoulder.

Leigh's heart broke into a million pieces inside. She took deep breaths as she forced a smile to show on her face.

"Uh, yeah, everything is good between us, " she said. "Go, you're fans are waiting for you. "

Gray smiled as he patted Leigh's shoulder again before rushing off, with no clue that Leigh was hurting on the inside.

Dumped by her first crush to only learned later on that Gray and her sister were in a secret relationship.

A secret relationship that will end the life of one.


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