"And where do I feature on that list?"
A voice came from the doorway, and Sanya smiled instantly, turning to see Edmund walk into her room. Yes, it was her room- even if Edmund and Selene stayed in it, it was still hers- only hers! Jem would have stayed there, too- but the little Prince liked to climb into his uncle's bed and sleep there. They were rather partners in crime, though they were both too sweet and naïve to commit any ‘crimes’.
"At least in the top ten, I hope."

Sanya thought about it.
Sameer, Jem, Selene, Moonlight, her parents-
"Yes, you're in the top ten." She assured him, smiling wider as he pressed a kiss to her cheek. "Get out, Bhai."

Her brother looked quite injured, "Why?"

Because they were going to have sex, Sanya thought.
"I want to talk to Edmund about imposing some restrictions on the entrépot trade that the city of-"

"Alright, alright." Sameer raised his hands up in surrender, and Edmund hid a smile at the back of his wife's head. "I sometimes forget that you two are Queen and King."

"We wish we could forget sometimes, too." Edmund shrugged. "It can be very exhausting."

Sanya snorted, as his arms went around her waist, "Living itself is exhausting."

"Every day you get more nihilistic, you know that?" He said, as his wife twisted her neck to look up at him.

"You love that about me." She retorted back, though there was a part of her sinking in doubt about what she said. Surely, it wasn't possible for someone to love every part of their beloved? She didn't have much experience of being in love, but still. It wasn't realistic.

"I love everything about you." Edmund replied seriously, quite forgetting about their daughter and his brother-in-law in the room. "Even your tendency to bring up economic aggregates and antitrust law matters during meetings about maritime and entrépot trade."

"I don't think Sel should be around talks about enter-enre- whatever trade." Sameer intervened, and the couple turned to see that their baby was securely in his arms. "I'll take her to the pond-"

"The stroller is-" It was just by the doorway, but Sameer could be oblivious to even the largest of objects. It was a trait that both the siblings shared, and which both their parents despaired of.

"I know, I know!" Soon enough, with far more speed than he showcased while going to study, the Prince and his niece were gone.

Sanya twirled around so she could face Edmund, and slid her arms around his neck- her husband’s hands were still on her hips, and he pulled her closer.
"Hello, darling."

Edmund blushed, "Hi, Moonshine."

She still couldn't believe that she made him blush! She loved him so much.
"How was your day as the High Queen's Consort?"
Her subjects- well, the snooty high-borns- were always very surprised to see him by her side. They had not expected her arranged marriage to turn out so well- they'd always considered her too plain and backward, for someone as charming and as handsome and- and- well, as all-around wonderful as the Just King of Narnia.

"It was very nice, in fact. It's a welcome change of pace to be a supportive spouse, and nothing more." Edmund replied, forcing himself to not get lost in those mirthful bright brown eyes that gazed up at him. "Did you know that certain subcultures and faiths in Rihaaya forbid chess? According to their tenets, it encourages gambling and other vices."

"I did know that, but I didn't know that that was the reason. I thought it was just because chess is so frightfully boring."

He scowled, and she reached up and kissed him.
Needless to say, the scowl did not last long.

Moonshineजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें