Trying Not to Cry

Start from the beginning

Though that did give him a few new ideas, of punishments for the older blonde, or well, more like torture methods.

He couldn't keep the sadistic grin off his face as his mind raced with all the possibilities.

If he's willing to act like a kid, he'd get punished like one, he thought. He could have the taller stand for hours in a lengthy timeout, just like a real child.

Oh! And he would most definitely make sure to blow up some of his precious baby stuff, just like he'd been treated. Maybe he'd pull out something sharp and scary and point it at Dream's direction, just to see him tremble in pure terror.

Who could forget his trusty lighter? It'd come in handy for any burns he'd wish to litter on Dream's arms, just like how he'd been burnt when that damned TNT went off.

And, oh boy, was Dream lucky he didn't have any TNT on him.

It's not like Dream could complain, he was at fault! He came up with some of these himself, and oh boy the revenge he could get with this revelation would be grand! .

If Dream thought it was okay to do to him, then he can put up with it for once! Feeling the fear, the genuine terror as someone threatens something you hold precious and dear to you hostage.

And then destroys it, right in front of you nonetheless!

Absentmindedly, Tommy pulled his lighter out of his pocket and flicked the flame on, smiling at the small tool as if it was a puppy he loved dearly.

Gathering his thoughts, he came to the decision to confront Dream later on.

It'd be when he was least expecting it. It seemed perfect to spring this revelation on him mid-session.

Glaring at the freckled face, he began to move away from the figure huddled in blankets and walked to his own house, which was luckily not far from Dream's hut.

After all, he needed to keep an eye out on his hostage. Laying in bed, he yawned abruptly. It would be a nice time for a nap, he figured. Tomorrow's going to be a long day for him and Dream.

Though, only one of them would be having fun.


Truly, it was a masterful plan, even if it was sick and twisted.

By the next day that Dream was big again, knowing truly nothing of what was to come from today anyway.

He forced himself to get out of bed and go to where exactly Tommy and him always met up—not that this was of his will.

Even if he didn't go than Tommy would just turn up at his tent and simply do it all there. He was still admittedly tired, and it took a lot for him to even bother getting out of his pajamas, essentially just whatever he fell asleep in at that point.

He was already dreading today, but took solace in the fact that he, to his knowledge, still had a private coping mechanism, the stuff for was hidden away.

Tommy was leaning against a firm oak tree, smugly grinning at him.

“Oh, if it isn't my favorite: Dream! Funny running into you here, isn't it” his tone sly and smooth.

"We meet up here every day, you shit! Were you seriously not expecting me?!" he hissed back.

It's one of those days when his hostage would fight back, as much as he can, at least.

It was always entertaining to see the old spark come back to him, only to beat it out of him once more.

The spark grew dimmer with each session.

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