♡#49-Actual Q&A!♡

Start from the beginning

Aut: That is a great story! Michael, what is your favorite part about Noah?

M: Oo. Hmm... Probably his personality.

N: My personality?

M: Yes.

Aut: Sweet. Elizabeth, how was it being stuck underground?

E: It was awful! Especially with Noah being down there!!

N: I barley talked to you, bitch.

W: Noah! Don't ever call my little girl that!!

Aut: Hey, calm down! Now.. We still have a lot of questions! Now stop fighting. Elizabeth again, what is on thing yiu would change about Circus Baby?

E: Her giant ice cream scooper.

Aut: Understandable. William, what do you think about Michael and Noah fucking in the back of your car?

W: Excuse me.. What?!

M: We didn't fuck! Noah was hard!

N: I wish we did fuck..

W: No! You are not aloud to touch my son!

M: I am not son of yours.

N: I can touch him all I want.

W: No you can't!

Noah gets closer to Michael ans kisses his cheek.

Aut: OK.... William, why do you hate Michael?

W: He is a disrespectful brat!!

M: I am not!

N: You can be a brat sometimes, but you aren't disrespectful.

M: Yeah, yeah.

Aut: Alright. C.C, thoughts about Nightmare?

C.C: I don't like him.

NM: You don't have a valid reason.

C.C: You can't interrupt Nightmare. And I do. You and the other fat bear tortured me.

NM: Cool.

Aut: NM please go back to C.C's closet. Michael, can you be friends with me?

M: Of course I can be friends with them!

Aut: I hope they will be happy to hear that. Noah, if anyone was to hurt Michael can we go on a killing spree and kill them?

N: Yes. I will enjoy their help killing whoever hurts Michael.

Aut: Michael, can I babysit your kids if you have any?

An Undead Pair.(old and cringe.. I'm sorry for this.)Where stories live. Discover now