Operation Stuart furball of the sneeze

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"Why can't we just leave him here?" Shrugged TJ. "You know, see to him when we come out to Recess."

"But, what if Hank finds him? He'll turn him into the office and then they'll send him to the pound and you know what happens there." Mikey was clearly upset with having to leave Stuart alone.

"Yeah, cats check in but they don't check out." Said Gus just before the bell rang.

"We gotta do something you guys."

"Okay, stick Stuart in here and let's go." said TJ as he took Dede's bag off of her shoulder and opened it for Mikey to put the cat in.

"It's gonna be okay little guy." Mikey placed Stuart in the bag before zipping it closed, leaving a little bit open so that the cat had some fresh air. "You're with friends now." As Dede put her bag back on carefully so as to not jolts the cat and the group walked back to the school no one noticed Stuart poke his head out and look back at the trash cans.


"In order to explain global warming, I've drawn this sample diagram." Ms grotke said pointing to the black board. "This is the sun, theses are the sun's rays and these are the little ozone molecules that are being eaten up by fluorocarbons produced by evil industrialists."

While ms grotke was explaining all this most of the students in class were either looking bored or half asleep, the only one who wasn't looking bored was Mikey as he had opened his desk and started stroking under Stuart's chin. "Mikey." TJ had whispered/yelled at him, making Mikey slam his desk shut again. "Keep the desk closed."

"Okay, okay, don't worry." Mikey said to reassure TJ. This however did not last long because nearly a minute later Mikey had opened his desk again, but instead of Stuart just sitting there he had jumped out and landed on the now closed desk.

"Mikey? What's wrong?" Asked Ms Grotke as she turned around to see Mikey holding his stomach, that was moving because of the cat he put under his shirt.

"Just a little gas ms grotke, but I feel better now." Mikey said, trying to keep Stuart in his shirt.

"Good. Now where was I?" Ms Grotke said going back to her lesson.

"You okay man?" Asked Vince.

"Yeah." Mikey struggled to get out, before anything else could be said Stuart poked his head out of the collar of Mikey's shirt, only to jump out and escape through the window. "NOOO. I've gotta do something." He then proceeded to run out of the classroom just before the bell rang and everyone else followed him.

"Well I really think I inspired some action today, I think?" Said Ms Grotke.


"Stuart, Stuart." Mikey shouted as the group made their way onto the playground. "He could be in trouble guys, oh why did I open that desk, why?"

"Don't worry Mikey, we'll find him." Said Dede patted Mikey on his back.

"Vince, you and guy go that way." Said TJ pointing to his left. "Gretchen, you and Mikey go that way." To the right. "Spinelli, Dede, you're with me."

"I knew that cat was going to be trouble." Spinelli signed before Dede grabbed her arm and started to drag her away.

"Maybe, but you love animals, so you'd be happy to deal with the trouble." Dede said as the three got to guru kid.

"I gotta look under the hat." Said TJ.

"I am afraid that is quite impossible." Guru kid said.

"Alright." Said Dede smirking slightly. "Spinelli, do you worst."

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