Big brother chad/my fair Gretchen

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Big brother Chad/ my fair Gretchen

Recess was about two thirds the way through when the gang of six friends watched as Vince stood up for some kids.

"Did ya see that! Did ya?" Said Gus excitedly before running up to Vince. "Wow Vince, that was the coolest thing I've ever seen."

"Ahh, that was nothing."

"Nothing? Vince you just faced down chucko, the meanest fifth grader on the whole playground. If that's not cool I don't know what is."

"Yeah, Vince is so cool every kid on the playground wants to hang with him." Said Spinelli as they all walked across the playground.

"What? Oh that's ridiculous." Said Vince as upside down girl and her friend as Vince to hang with them.

"Kids of every grade worship him like a god." Said Mikey.

"What? Aww man, where do you guys get this stuff?" Laughed Vince before he heard some kindergartens bow next to him and offer him their two front teeth.

"You're always so humble Vince." Said Dede as she smiles at his uncomfortable smile to the kindergartens.

"Face it Vince, there's nobody cooler than you." Said TJ trying to prove a point.

"Oh yeah? What about Chad?" Vince fired back.

"Oh yeah, Chad."

"Good point." Said Gretchen.

"Who's Chad?" Asked Gus.

"My big brother, Chad's the coolest guy this school has ever known."

"I remember once when I was in kindergarten, I was all alone in the sand box and Chad came over and played with me." Said Mikey.

"Yeah and back in first grade when I got that bean stuck up my nose, Chad showed me how to blow it out." Spinelli smiled, putting a finger up to her nose.

"It's because of Chad that I love space as much as I do." Said Dede, remembering the book Chad had given her about space exploration.

"Chad was cool alright." Said TJ.

"Man, we haven't seen him for years." Dede sighed, thinking about how long it's been since they last saw Chad.

"Well it just so happens that Chad is gonna pick me up after school today."

"Wow really." Exclaimed Mikey.

"Yeah, and if you guys play your cards right you just might get a chance to see him again."

At the end of the school day the group of seven walked out of the school to see all the students still there, like they were all waiting for something. "I wonder why all these kids are here?" Asked Vince as the seven looked around at them all.

"Who knows, must be some sort of celebrity." Said Spinelli.

Vince was about to reply to Spinelli but was stopped by a voice, which turned out to be Digger Sam. "So Vince, what's Chad up to now?"

"You're all here to see Chad?"

"Yeah, you think he'd sign my shovel?"

"Tell us Vince, is he still cute?" Asked Ashley A as she and Ashley B walked over to Vince. "We haven't seen him in, like, forever."

"Well uhh, he's pretty much the same as always. He just got a really cool bike."

"You hear that? Chad got a new bike ''''probably a mountain bike." "Or a motorbike." The diggers started talking amongst themselves.

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