When worlds collide

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When worlds collide

Night time falls upon Halloween, which means it's time for friends to all meet up and go trick or treating. A doorbell rings out as Dede runs down the stairs of her home dressed in her galactic guardian costume. When she opened the door she saw all seven of her friends standing there, all in their own costumes.

TJ was dressed as Frankenstein's monster, Paloma was dressed as a pirate, Vince was dressed as Dracula, Gretchen was dressed up as a witch, Mikey was dressed as a ghost and Gus was dressed as a robot.

However it was Spinelli's costume that was the scariest, she was dressed up as a mutant with puss dripping down her cheeks from her eyes.

"Trick or Treat!" All Dedes friends say as soon as she opens the door, making her laugh at them.

"Woah! Nice costumes guys." Dede said as she moved to the side, letting her friends all walk in.

"You dressed as a galactic guardian? Like from your comic?" Spinelli asked as the eight all stood in the foyer.

Dede smiled and spun around, showing the outfit off fully. "Yep, good eye."

"Hello kids." Looking over the eight saw Crystal, dressed as little red riding hood, and Keith, dressed as a werewolf, walk out of the living room to join them.

"Who wants some Candy?" Crystal asked as she held a basket full of Candy out for the kids, all of which took some, thanking their friends mum while they all ate their Candy.

"Well, we're gonna get going now." Dede kissed her parents cheeks before whistling and watching as lapis came down the stairs with a pair of bat wings on her back.

"Yeah. Let's go before all the good stuff is gone! I love Halloween!" Spinelli cheered as she left back out the door with the others all following her, saying their own goodbyes to the two adults.

"Bye, Mum! Bye, Dad!"

"Bye sweetie, be safe." Keith said as the two also left the house, going to a costume party.

As the group of friends all got onto the first street of the route they were planning on taking for trick or treating they were all more than ready to get started. "First, we wreak in the goods on both sides of the street. Then we head to Mr. Kelso's Halloween ride." TJ explains the plan all over again, this being a thing that seven of the nine beings knew, but the last two members of their group, this was their first time.

"What's the theme this year?" Mikey asked, knowing that Mr Kelso changes up his Halloween tradition every year.

"I hear it's top secret." Vince answers as they all continue on their way down the street, only for a skeleton to drop down from a tree, making the nine of them gasp.

They all look up to see Gelman in a tree, dressed as a skeleton himself, laughing at them.

"Very funny, you big jerk!" Spinelli spat.

"Gotcha!" Gelman laughs. "I didn't know monsters, pirates, ghosts and robots were such chickens!" He laughs again as they all walk away.

"Man, Gelman does that every year." Vince grumbles.

"We'll get him back one day." Said TJ as they all started their night of fun. Though it wasn't long before Dedes bracelet started beeping and they gasped. "What's that?!"

"Nothing." Dede said. "Part of my costume. I need to fix it. You start without me. I'll catch up."

Dede runs off with Lapis following not far behind her. "Alright, another mission!" Lapis cheers as they hide behind a house.

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