Galactic guardians no more

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Galactic guardians no more

"Thanks for helping me out girls." Dede smiled at her girl friends as all four of them were in Dedes' back garden. Dede wanted to give gardening a try and her girl friends all agreed to help her with planting all the flower seeds in one of the back corners of the garden.

"It's hard to believe that something so small can grow into something so beautiful." Paloma said as she held up a rose bush seed.

"It's actually quite interesting really." Gretchen said while watering the seeds that have already been planted. "While roses only take about a few weeks to grow by themselves, the rose bush itself can take up to three years to fully grow."

"That long for just a plant?" Spinelli asked, shocked that it takes so long for a bush to grow.

"Yes, however the first flower can be seen after one or two-" Gretchen was cut off by a beeping sound. Dede looked at her bracelet, though not seeing a flashing light, she held it up to her ear to see if the light was just broken but the bracelet wasn't what was beeping.

Paloma pulled a device out of her pocket before gasping and looking at Dede. "I have to go. you know your bracelet doesn't beep as much as it used to." Paloma starts on her way back into Dedes home. "Did you get it fixed?"

Dede looked down at her bracelet while Spinelli and Gretchen watched Paloma run off. "No, that's what worries me."

Over the next several weeks not a sound was heard from Dedes bracelet and it was starting to make Dede a bit agitated as she had no clue what was happening.

Right now the kids were all at school sitting in class as Miss Grotke was handing out permission slips to her students. "Now people, don't forget to have your parents sign these so you can go to the state fair next month."

When the bell rang all the students walked out onto the playground to enjoy another recess time. "Wow, the state fair. This is gonna be amazing." Gus cheered, seeing that this would be his first time going.

"Yeah, great." Dede said dryly, making her friends all look over to her as she drags behind them.

"What up Dede?" TJ asked as he stopped walking.

"Yeah, you've been really grumpy this last week." Vince agreed.

Dede looked off to the side with a little pout on her face, she was about to respond to them when she heard a beeping. She looked down at her bracelet and smiled big when she saw the light flashing. "Me? I'm not grumpy, I'm great. I gotta go." Dede tapped her bracelet. "I gotta.. uh... ask my Nana for some gardening tips."

Dede quickly runs off before any of her friends can ask any questions. "Now that's the Dede we know." Spinelli smiled before they all walked off to enjoy their recess.

When Dede and her crew arrived at galactic guardians HQ they saw that they were the only ones that were called. Looking around Dede saw all the other galactic guardians there talking among themselves, Roger was even spotted talking in a group. What shocked her most, though it shouldn't have, was that Mr E was also spotted standing in the corner of the room.

Dede walked over to him with Sparky and X-5 following behind her. "Mr E, sir."

Mr E looked over at the call and smiled when he saw Dede standing there with her crewmates. "Kid." Mr E nodded at her in greeting. "So, he did call everyone after all."

"Seems like it. Do you know what this is about?" Dede asked after she looked around again.

Mr E shook his head, having no clue why everyone was called. Sparky and X-5 looked at each other before walking forward a bit more to be in line with Dede. "Uh... Chief? Who's this?" Sparky asked, having not met Mr E yet.

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