Secrets Pt. 3

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Secrets Pt. 3

It's been a couple weeks since Paloma had joined the group of seven, in that time a lot has happened, TJs black eye had healed, Mikey had his tenth birthday and even Gretchen's birthday was last week. Right not all the kids were on the playground for recess, each playing their own game.

"OK, let's go! Line up, five rows of 20! Move it, move it, move it!" The kids fun was all cut short by Randal shouting into a megaphone.

"Man, someone must be in big trouble. Finster hasn't cancelled recess since Billy Stoler short-sheeted her support hose." Vince said as all the kids were standing in line.

"She was limping for three days." Said TJ.

"Ten-hut!" Randal said as Miss Finster came through the doors.

"This week we've seen a crime wave unparalleled in Third Street history. Someone on this playground is responsible for breaching nearly every rule we hold sacred." Miss Finster stated walking down the steps.

"Even the cannibalism taboo?" Asked Mikey.

"Evidence connects two masterminds
with these crimes. Two kids who've done it all. Made a big mess in the hallways, wrote graffiti mocking the faculty, defaced restrooms, stole food from the cafeteria, broke kids out of principal Prickly's office and made a complete mess of the mess area. These students will be going directly to Principal Prickly's office. These students will receive severe punishment befitting these atrocities. These students are Dede King and Gretchen P. Grundler."

"Miss Finster, Gretchen's the best kid
in school, and while Dede's not the perfect student, she wouldn't cause trouble without a good reason." TJ defended after everyone gasped.

"Yeah, you're making a terrible mistake. Tell her, Dee, Gretchen." Vince looked at the girls, expecting them to agree with him.

"No, guys, she's right. Take us away, Miss Finster." Gretchen sighed as Dede stood next to her.

"Gretchen, what are you saying?" Asked TJ.

"Don't worry yourself over us anymore, T.J. We're nothing but trouble."

"March, young ladies." With Miss Finster's order both girls walked into the school.

"Dede and Gretchen gone bad? It can't be." Said TJ.

"Down is up! Black is white! The millennium approaches!" Mikey panics.


*I know what you're asking. How did it happen? How did Gretchen Grundler,
straight-A student, and Dede King, above average student, end up taking the long walk to the principal's office? It's a story as long as the lines at Gonzo World, but without the free refills.* Gretchen inner monologues as the two reach the office and walk in.

"We've been expecting you, Grundler, King. Take a seat. Principal Prickly will be with you in a moment." Said Miss Lemon.

"Well, well, if it ain't "goody-two-shoes" Grundler and King. What'd you do, Grundler? Get too many A's? Or defend too many kids, king?" Sue Bob laughs after the other two girls sit next to her on the bench.

"We're not in the mood, Murphy." Dede sighed as she leaned her head back.

"Oh, come on, King. Where's your sense of humour? When you're about to face the man, sometimes that's all you got. So, what you in for?"

"It's a long story." Answered Gretchen.

"Pfft. Like we're going somewheres?"

*She had a point. I don't know what it was that finally made me spill. Maybe it was Sue Bob's earthiness. Maybe it was the clickety clack of Miss Lemon's typewriter. Whatever the reason,
I suddenly felt compelled to tell Sue Bob the whole sordid tale.* Gretchen thought before she turned to look at Sue Bob. "It all started about a week ago on my birthday. It was a great day. My favourite uncle George gave me the best gift I ever got. A Galileo hand-held personal computer. Galileo was a dream come true, a powerful multifunction PC
that fit in the palm of my hand. It had 16 megabytes of RAM, internet access, and cute howdy froggy desktop icons
that made computing fun."

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