The substitute

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The substitute

"And so, it turns out that there is no homeopathic alternative to bunion surgery. My doctor assures me it's a simple operation, but will require me to stay off my feet for a few days." Miss Grotke said to her class, resting her foot on her desk.

"Uh, Miss Grotke, should we be taking notes?" Gretchen asked, raising her hand.

"No, no, Gretchen. I'm simply telling you all this to explain that I'll be absent from school next week."

"You mean..." TJ asked, getting excited.

"That's right, T.J., I've arranged for a substitute." With this little bit of news all the students started the talk excitedly to each other.

"B-i-n-g-o!" Spinelli spelled as she fist pumped the air.

"A substitute?" Vince said when the eight walked out of the school at the end of the day. "Oh, man, this is some kind of wonderful."

"I'm almost looking forward to Monday." Spinelli exclaimed.

"I don't get it, what's so great about a sub?" Gus asked as he followed everyone.

"Yeah, I'm confused as well." Said Paloma.

"Sheesh! What hole-in-the-ground schools did you two transfer from?" Said Spinelli looking back at Gus and Paloma.

"Yeah, everybody knows there are three things every kid waits for all year. Snow days, fire drills, and substitute teachers. It's like a little slice of summer vacation in the middle of the year." Said TJ as he started to spin around a stop sign.

"I'm gonna get her with the old chalk-and-eraser routine." Vince said as he started to cross the zebra crossing. "That kills."

"I'm going to tell her Miss Grotke lets us eat in class." Mikey said as all the others followed Vince across the road.

"I'm going to reread War and Peace. Only this time I won't have to rush." Said Gretchen.

"Me? I'm gonna dust off my old peashooter. Whoever this substitute is,
The woman is spitball bait." Spinelli said holding up said peashooter as all the kids laughed.

"Wow, it sounds like a lot of fun having a substitute teacher." Said Paloma.

"It's great, it's really just like free time in class as every substitute we've had, we're always able to get away with more than normal." Dede grins as she puts her arms around Spinelli's and Paloma's shoulders.

The next day the group of eight friends was in Miss Grotkes class, sitting on the chairs and desks at the back of the classroom. "And remember our plans,
if the sub calls on you, use a fake name. I'm going with "Hugh Belcher."" Said TJ.

"Excellent plan. She may even think she came in the wrong room." Agreed Gretchen giddily.

"I'm calling a 10:00 a.m. book drop." Dede said as she threw a paper aeroplane that had landed near her.

"Good idea. And when I give this signal," Spinelli said, waving her hands down. "Everyone get up and move one seat to the right."

"What have you got planned, Gus?" Paloma asked as she still had no clue on what to do herself.

"Me? Well, uh, I made a paper wad." Gus said, holding up a paper wad.

"You're a madman, Griswald." Said Spinelli.

"Good morning, pupils." Said Principal Prickly as he entered the classroom, getting everyone's attention and making them all go to their seats. "I'm here to introduce your substitute teacher."

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