First name Ashley

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First name Ashley.

It was now lunch time at third street elementary school and most kids were in the cafeteria, one of those kids being Randal, who was walking around occasionally talking into a tape recorder.

"February 17th, undercover observations for Ms Finster, tape number 93." Randal looked around before setting his sight on the diggers.

"So what do you think Sam? Should we dig in tunnel 32 A or take a nice burrow down 14 C."Dave asked to sam.

"I don't know dave, the last time we-" dave got interrupted by sam who elbows his arm to show that Randal had just shown up and was eavesdropping on them, before grabbing their food trays and waking away leaving Randal to growl in frustration.

"So then Hilary goes like really and then I go as like as if and she's all like totally not even." Said Ashley A to the other Ashley's.

"Err....Ashley A." Said Ashley Q as she spotted Randal sneaking up on them.

"Eww, it's Randal."

"Get out of here you little snitch."

"LOSER." All four Ashley's put the hand up with all their fingers in a L position, pointing them at Randal. Randal growled again as he walked off looking for a new victim, until his eyes spotted the group of 7 sitting at a table listening to Spinelli talk.

"So i says to chelby(? Couldn't fully hear what name she said.), that mr girly to you, then I let him have it. POW." Spinelli punched the air as she narrated, making them all laugh, before Spinelli looked down and saw the tape recorder. She grabbed Randals  arm and pulled him up screaming. "Hey, look at what I found, a spy and he's wired for sound." As soon as Spinelli grabbed the recorder she threw it on the floor before stomping on it, making sure it was fully destroyed.

"Hey." Randal protested before Spinelli pushed him away.

"Scram ya little monkey bugger." Before Randal could retort, a beeping sound was heard, he pulled his pager out of his pocket and saw it was Finster calling for him, he looked up and saw he nod her head to signal him to join her on the little platform overlooking the cafeteria.

"What have you got for me today, Randal?" Finster asked not looking at Randal as he stood next to her.

"Errr... well, hector beckle make himself throw up to get out of a spelling quiz and errr...I... saw shearly benson spit on principal prickly's car." Randal read off of his note book.

"That's it?" Finster looked at Randal as he just shrugged his shoulders. "I expected more from you Randal, perhaps you've lost your touch."

"No, no ms Finster, it's just that-"

"I like you Randal but I can't afford any dead weight in my organisation. Maybe we should talk about your retirement."

"No." Randal said falling to his knees. "No not that, please ms Finster give me one more chance."

"Oh, Douglas over there shows potential."

"I can do better I know I can." Randal fell over and hugged ms Finster's ankles. "Give me another chance and I'll dig up some real dirt."

"Well if it means that much to you, I'll give you one more chance. But this time you better not let me down." Finster said, looking down at Randal, making him gulp. Randal decided to go and try and find some dirt in the permanent records room.

"Let's see, peewee white has webbed toes, kenny saplash is a it can't be..this is way too good for Finster, why with dirt like this I could, dare I say it, rule the playground." Randal took the file out of the cabinet before laughing.

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