King Dede

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King Dede

"The portents are grave, your majesty." Wizard kid(?) said to king Bob as he looked into a bowl.

"Try again." King Bob said in a raspy voice. "It must be some kind of mistake."

"The soup never lies."

"Why do these things always happen to me, why?"

"But your majesty, it's only a tonsillectomy." Said Jordan.

"There's no reason to be scared." Said Jerome.

"Scared, I'm not scared. Oww.''said king Bob holding his throat. "I mean, for myself. But look at them." Bob looked out to the playground. "What will they do when I'm gone?"

"What we need, your majesty is someone to take your place." Suggested Jerome.

"Take my place." King Bob tried to yell.

"Just temporarily oh great king Bob your majesty sir."

"Only until your recovery, you know, like a substitute king." Suggested Jordan.

"Substitute king? Yes, yes it's perfect. But who?" Said king Bob.

"How about Eric, he's strong." Said Jerome pointing to a boy walking past the jungle gym, Bob looked at him before looking at his own biceps.

"Maybe too strong."

"Or Susan, she's smart."

"Maybe too smart."

"But you majesty-."

"What I need is someone that'll not let the power of king go to their head, someone who can think for themselves and make sure everything runs smoothly, someone like....her." King Bob said pointing to Dede who was running over to Gus who's chewing gum bubble just popped in his face.

"Her?" Questioned both Jordan and Jerome.

"Her." Bob said watching Dede help Gus clean the gum off his face. "Bring her here at once."


"Ohhh...why does this always happen to me?" Asked Gus.

Dede, who was picking the gum out of his hair, replied. "You just don't have any luck when I come to blowing bubbles." She smiled before she was grabbed from behind and dragged away. "What?? Hey!! Jordan? Jerome? What are you doing?"

"The king has requested to see you." Said Jerome and they both threw Dede on the floor in front of king Bob.

Before anyone could say anything they heard Gus call out to them as he dropped next to Dede. "Hold on, Dede didn't do anything, please let her go, here's my milk money, I know it's not a lot but it's all I have."

"Gus?" Whispered Dede as she watched her friend try and get her out of whatever was going on.

"Silence, it is my decree that from now until Thursday you are to be king." King Bob said, pointing at Dede.

"No please you can't do that to her, I beg of......king?" Gus asked.

"Huh???" Dede's brain stopped working.


"Wow, this is great." Said Vince after Gus told the others what happened.

"With you as king, we'll finally have some say in what goes on around here." Said TJ.

"Yeah, the 6th grader won't be able to push us around anymore." Said Spinelli. "We'll be calling the shots for a change."

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