Big top Candy

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Big top Candy

We start on a planet where a circus is about to start. Admiral DeGill is dressed up as the ringmaster. "Welcome to the Multi-snare Circus and our annual charity event! Where Galactic Guardians perform amazing acts to raise money for our juniors in training!" While DeGill was talking a spotlight shines down onto three Junior Galactic Guardians eating cotton candy.

"We pledge to do our duty so we can be just like Atomic Candy! Power, Decision, Teamwork!" The three junior galactic guardians said as they jumped and fell out of their seats onto the ring.

"Well, their training's just begun. But thanks to you, we've raised a thousand zacoolian Gemstones!" DeGill says as the crowd cheers.

Sparky and X-5 are in the back of the circus, starting to get ready for their performance. "Shouldn't you be guarding those gems?" X-5 asked.

"They're perfectly safe!" Sparky dismissed. "The box is locked and I have the only key right here in my pocket!"

"Excuse me. I can't find my seat." Said the tiger looking junior galactic guardian as X-5 went up to her.

"This area is high security. We'll have to see your backstage pass." X-5 asked, following protocol.

Sparky walked up to the two, trying to get X-5 to loosen up. "Oh, cradous. It's a Junior Galactic Guardian, X-5! You know, the future hero of the universe?" The orange Junior Galactic Guardian blows a huge bubble, trapping Sparky and X-5 inside it. Then it exploded and they ended up stuck to the wall. The Junior Galactic Guardian laughs and reveals her true form: the Chameleon.
Sparky starts Struggling to get free. "It's the Chameleon!"

The Chameleon laughs and jumps to take the key from Sparky's hand. "I'll take that, thank you very much!" He then runs away.

"We better call the Captain!" X-5 says.

On earth we see our group of fourth graders all standing on the playground during recess. The boys have just found out that Gretchen was going to be missing a few hours of school, Spinelli and Paloma were going with her.

"It's not fair. It's just not fair." Gus whines angrily.

"Yeah, this whomps." TJ agrees, with his arms crossed.

"How come you guys get to miss school and we don't?" Vince asked three of the four girls standing in front of him and the other boys.

"Because the Young Inventors Fair is an invitational exposition." Gretchen explained.

"Means you gotta be invited." Spinelli brags.

"It's a great opportunity to show off exciting new ideas from smart young minds." Said Paloma.

"So why's Spinelli and Paloma going with you?" Asked Gus, still unhappy.

"'Cause she needed a couple of smart kids to be her assistant." Spinelli walked up to Gus, with a threatening aura. "Want to make something of it?"

"N-not at all." Gus stammers, stepping back. "Just wondering why Dede wasn't going with you, is all."

"I thought it'd be better for Spinelli and Paloma to go and—" a beeping sound calls out. "And because I've got something to do right here, I gotta go and do that thing now. Have fun you three." Dede said to the other girls in the group before she ran off to the bathroom.

"Atomic Candy, it's Admiral DeGill. I need you to proceed at once to the planet Zila. The Chameleon is back." Admiral DeGill said as soon as Dede answered the call.

"Yes, sir." Dede saluted before she teleports herself to the circus on a Space Cycle.

As soon as she arrives, the crowd cheers for her. "It's Atomic Candy!" The Junior Galactic Guardians fangirled.

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