Y/N: Huh..Weird, hope she's ok.

Melony: Hey Y/N!

Y/N: Yeah?

Melony: Isn't it time to go?

Y/N: Oh god, you're right, yeah, let's go.

She cheers and hugs you. You both take a walk to the diner, hand in hand.

Y/N: What do you plan on eating?

Melony: Anything that doesn't have fruit in it.

Y/N: I'll do the same.

She smiled.

Melony: Hey..Y/N? Can I ask you something?

Y/N: Of course, What is it?

Melony:...what are we gonna do if he comes back?..

Y/N:...We'll stop him.

Melony: I hope you're right.

Y/N: Believe me, I wont let him hurt you.

Melony: Aw, you're sweet.

You smile and you both kiss, eventually you reached the diner. Ludwig was the waiter?

Ludwig: Sup.

Y/N: Ludwig?

Melony: Who's the blue Afro lizard?

Ludwig: I'm Ludwig! Anywho, you two came here for a meal?

Y/N: Sure did.

Melony smiled.

Ludwig: How cute, come along.

You two follow him to a spare table, you both sat down.

Ludwig: Can I get you two anything to drink?

Y/N: I'll have a water.

Melony: Hmmm..I'll take a water too!

Ludwig: Two waters..okay, so, did you decide already on what you two want? Or want more time to think?

Y/N: We'll have some time to think.

Ludwig: Of course. I'll be back with your waters.

He leaves. You and Melony take a glimpse at the menu.

Melony: So many choices...

Y/N: True..what were you thinking?

Melony: I can't decide..they all look good!

You smile.

Y/N: Well luckily they had the couples special.

Melony: Really? Where?

Y/N: Underneath appetizers.

She saw it.

Melony: Oooh, it comes with a bowl of spaghetti with meatballs.

Y/N: Just don't tell Mario.

Melony: Why?

Y/N: He's basically all about that spaghetti life..

Melony: Oh?

Y/N: Yep..

Melony looks at the picture of the special spaghetti, seeing it had parmesan shaped like a heart.

Melony: Awww..how cute!

Y/N: What?

Melony: Look at the picture on the bowl!

You take a look, and it was adorable.

Y/N: Oh wow, that is cute. Like you.

Melony blushed.

Melony: Thank you!!

She said with a big smile.

Y/N: Of course!

Ludwig came back with your two waters.

Ludwig: Here are your waters, so, did you two decide?

Y/N: We'll get the couples special spaghetti bowl.

Ludwig: Ah, good choice, not that there was a bad one, minus the dark death..

Y/N: Dark death?

Ludwig: Basically just burnt Turkey legs with undercooked fish..I don't even know why it's on the menu, no one even orders it!

Y/N: Ew.

Melony: That's yucky!

Y/N: They should've taken it off the menu from the very beginning..

Ludwig: Trust me, If I could, I would, but I only work here and I don't make the rules. So, one couples special, coming up.

He leaves to tell the chef your order.

Y/N: So..what was it like to be a melon?

Melony: Well you can't walk around for one. But I most spend my time napping, but ever since Axol introduced me to you and your friends, I always had this feeling of hugging you every time I saw you, but I never had the chance up until now, and now I get to do it whenever, which I'm grateful for!

Y/N: Aw..that's sweet Melony.

She giggled.

Ludwig: Here's your order.

Y/N: Done already?

Ludwig: Yep, our chef is pretty good at cooking. Enjoy!

He skips away. You and Melony grab your forks and dig in. You take a bite and the flavor immediately explodes in your mouth.

Y/N: Mmm, this is absolutely delicious! Melony? You good?..

She took a bite and her pupils immediately shrunk, she dropped her fork.

Y/N: Melony?..


Y/N: Oh boy..

Melony: D-dear god...this is the best!..

She takes another bite, and squeaked a bit, in heaven from the flavor.

Y/N: You are so darn cute..

Melony: Noooo you are!

Y/N: No, you're cuter!

Melony: Nu Uh! You are-

Whiny Bitch: We get it! You're both adorable!

Y/N: Uh..who invited you here?..

Melony goes into Deity mode and aimed her sword at them.

Whiny Bitch: Nevermind.

Y/N: That's what I though..

They ran off, you shake your head and watch her cloak back into normal.

Y/N: I didn't know you could do that.

Melony: You never asked me silly!

Y/N: Fair enough.

You two continue eating.

-After the meal-

After you and Melony filled up on food, you both take a stroll around the land to see trees, owls, the moon, even bright stars.

Melony: Hey, wanna go to the wear house? They have good furniture.

Y/N: Anything you wanna do, I'm up for it!

Melony: Follow me!

She drags you along with her, you both get to the wear house and go inside.

Melony: Whoa....

Y/N: It's pretty cool, right?

Melony: It's amazing..

You two find a nice cozy bed and relax on it, Melony cuddling you close.

Melony: Hey...Y/N?

Y/N: Hmm?

Melony: I love you, you know that, right?

Y/N: Of course I do, I love you as well.

She smiled and snuggles you again.

(Heartwarming as always...❤️)

Two Seeds in One Melon (Melony x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now