Chapter 12

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We were sitting on the sofa at her house, looking at each other without saying anything. Camila had a curious look. Her hands are  next to mine. I can hear her breathing, her chest going up and down.

Where are you taking me? - I break the silence.

- It's a special place. I'm sure you'll like it. We will spend the night in an apartment of mine.

- But tomorrow we have work. - Camila smiles teasingly, and I think that smile is beautiful. It wasn't an ironic or provocative smile, it was a sincere and fun smile.

- Well, we did. What we are going to do is much cooler.

- It's okay. I believe in you. - I laugh at her giddy face, which gives her a more childish look. Wow, I'm such a sucker for this girl that I think a simple smile is beautiful.

Kyle shows up in the kitchen, bringing me a huge cup of coffee. It's strange that he doesn't even have a day off on Sunday. The boy gives me a light smile, afraid of Camila saying something, but she just stands still watching me greet Kyle with a nod, sipping my coffee.

- You like coffee a lot, right? - She asks me, approaching me, staying by my side.

- A lot. There's not a day I don't drink coffee. I learned that from my mother, she always drank cups and cups of coffee. I ended up getting this custom from her.

- Well, I'm going upstairs to get ready. You can stay down here and do whatever you want. - She gets up, goes up the stairs to the second floor, leaving me alone with a cup of coffee and several doubts. Why that apology? I really don't know what to think of all this. I notice someone coming towards me and it's Kyle approaching.

- Hi, Lauren. How are you? - He seems a little afraid, always looks at the stairs and twists his apron in his hand a lot.

- Hey, Kyle. I'm fine, and you? Sit here. - I indicate the empty place next to me on the couch, and he approaches slowly, sitting down.

- It's okay. I just wanted to say hello to you, and know: why did you come back here?

I'm confused by his question. - What do you mean, Kyle?

- Why did you come back here?

- Ah... because Camila asked, we're going out today, and I have an appointment with her, so here I am.

- You can't stay here for long. - He's nervous, his eyes show concern. Okay, that's very weird.

- Why not? - I grab his arm.

- Because what happened to the others will happen to you. You will start to like her, and when she realizes it, she will kick you to the curve and make you regret that you met her . - Kyle sighs, and I stand still, looking at him, not knowing exactly what to say and surprised by his concern for me.

- But Kyle, I... I'm already in love, you know? I came in here that day I was arrested for this, because I'm obsessed with her, and now that I have the opportunity to have her, why am I going to dismiss her?

- Because it's the best. I've been working here with Camila for more than 3 years, and that always happens. Don't think it's going to be different with you, because it won't. I wish She could love, but it won't happen. Just be careful, okay? Stay with someone other than her, go out, find out things, but don't get attached to her, don't give her your heart.

And he leaves, as fast as he came, and I throw my head in the upholstery of the couch. Was Camila really that bad? I know she said as soon as I signed the contract that I couldn't fall in love, but I didn't think she could be so cold about other people's feelings with her. My cell phone vibrates, and I look to see what it was. A message from Ally.

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