Chapter 11

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Zach wouldn't stop smiling every time Normani said something. We were comfortably sitting on the couch, talking excitedly. When I entered James and Zach's apartment, and they saw that Normani was with me, I thought they would have a heart attack. Zach couldn't stop asking things and she answered all of them elegantly, always saying how happy she was to meet my friends. She was playing it well.

If on the one hand I was happy to have Normani's company, and to be able to see my friends happy, my thoughts always ended up going to Camila. Her harsh words this morning were on repeat in my head non-stop, and I felt extremely sad. I couldn't imagine or didn't want to realize, that Camila could be so cold. I tried as much as possible to seem focused on my friends' conversation, but it was impossible. That's until Ally spokes to me.

- So what? - She asks, and the looks in the room turned to me.

- What? - I ask . They laugh

- I asked you how and when you met Normani.

- Well. - I stop to think about it. It hadn't crossed my mind that they would want to know information about how I met Normani and I don't think they would be satisfied or that I could talk about Camila. But before I open my mouth, Normani speaks for me.

- We met at a Barneys store. I spilled coffee on her. I've been watching her for a while, but it was only at that moment that we talked. - The woman smiles at me, and I correspond, taking her hand, in a false gesture of affection. And it worked because Ally sighed.

- That's really cool. Lauren is not much of talking or dating, so we were very happy when she told us about you. - James speaks. Normani gives one of her bright smiles, which she spent all afternoon wearing. She was extremely friendly and very good at chatting.

- I thought Lauren was going to die single. - Zach pokes me, and I give him an ironic smile. He always picks on me because I always choose to spend Fridays at home watching Orange Is The New Black marathons, instead of a nightclub.

- I thought you were going to be cuter over time, but look, it's still ugly. - Mouse it, and everyone laughs.

- I like this reserved way of Lauren. I feel like I can tell her anything. - Normani says, shaking my hand, and I interpret it as something related to Camila and the whole story of the contract. I smile blandly at her, getting a confident look.

- That's true. Lauren is a very reliable person. She was the first person I told about my sexuality. - Says Zach, now with his head on James' lap, who caresses his hair. It was already 4 p.m., so Amber was taking her nap, giving us time to sit down and have adult chat. Zach and I have always had a relationship of complicity, telling each other's most intimate secrets. I feel like I can tell him anything.

- Yes, that's one of her qualities that I admire. In addition to her being very attractive. - My cheeks blush and my friends laugh, leaving Normani confused, and I shake my head at a sign that I wasn't supposed to ask why, just let them laugh.

- Okay, okay, okay. Can you stop being boring? Normani, can you come with me to the kitchen? Get the ice cream? - Normani gets up, accompanying me to the kitchen. I lean on one of the cabinets, and she stops in the middle of the kitchen, looking at me with her eyebrows raised. I stare at her back and we stayed a few seconds like this, until we laughed.

- Why did you bring me here? - She asks, approaching me and leaning on my side.

- Do you find me attractive? - I ask her and she laughs.

- I think so. Camila is a son of a bitch lucky to have found someone like you. You're definitely the most beautiful of her Dominants. - I'm go to the fridge, getting the chocolate ice cream and some glasses for dessert, along with a few spoons.

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