✔️Slenderman x (both) Reader✔️

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*Slenderman's POV*

I was working in my office. I was feeling stressed and tired but I have to catch up on the damn bills. I groaned and rubbed my head and frustration. Just then a small knock was heard.

"Come in child." I spoke in my usual calm tone. I looked up to see the tiny (Y/N). They were adorable- Wait tiny!? I stood up from my seat.

"Why are you so tiny! You look like a toddler!" (Y/N) looked at me nervously before speaking.

"Well...heheh...one of X-Virus's experiments may or may not have shrunk me..." They answered with a nervous chuckle. I sighed and was about to go approach X-Virus with anger hidden but (Y/N) had stopped me in my tracks.

"W-Wait! Don't hurt him! It was accident! I was messing around with his experiments and mixed somethings together and ended up like this... I snuck into his lab..." (Y/N) explained meekly. I had a hard time believing their lie but I sighed and rubbed my head in frustration.

"(Y/N), you know your not supposed to go into other people's rooms."

"I know...but I was just curious!" They whimpered while looking up at me with their huge (E/C) eyes. They were obviously giving me puppy eyes which made me give in.

"I won't punish you this time (Y/N). And let this be a lesson to stay out of others rooms. But! Next time I won't be so nice." Once I finished my sentence, (Y/N)'s face turned bright red. I already knew what they were thinking.

"Get your mind out of the gutters, not that way child! I meant your next punishment will be doing a list of chores!" (Y/N) seemed relieved and walked out of my office. I sat back down at my desk and started thinking. Then I started thinking about what (Y/N) was thinking. I chuckled.

'Maybe that won't be such a bad punishment at all.~'

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