"You know I din't mean to tell you anything about my having feelings for  Blair." I told her as we sat down. "Maybe you didn't. I mean I, I don't even care, but other people might." She told me. "I know." I told her. "Yeah including Blair," She said, and it was nice to see how much Jenny cared about Blair's feelings.

To show her how much I appreciated keeping my secret, I bought her some chocolates. "Put these in your bag quick." I told her, thankfully she complied. "Why did you buy me chocolates," She asked once they were safe and out of sight. "Because I know you care about being friends with Blair. It's just that I really need you to help me out here. Promise?" I practically begged her.

"Promise what?" I heard Blair ask from next to me. "Uh, promise to help me come up with a more creative way of cheering you up than these." I said as I pulled out another box of chocolates that I bought for her. "I just want to make sure that after everything that happened at the ball, you don't lose that beautiful smile of yours." I told her. "That is so sweet! And you even remembered that I prefer the gold collection. Thank you." she said as she gave me a kiss on the cheek.

I know that this was a little selfish of me, but Blair and Nate breaking up finally gave me a chance to be with Blair. And I was not going to waste it. I just had to keep showing that I was the type of guy that would never hurt her and then maybe she'd see I was worth a shot.

Jenny Humphrey's rise to the penthouse has been short and sweet, but if she crosses Blair Waldorf it's straight back to the basement. Looks like this little lamb needs to stay silent or else...

After school, Nate and I were on our way to the club to meet our dad for drinks.  "Hey, Dad. Nate and I are 10 blocks away." I said to Dad on the phone. "What? Oh, sorry, Nick. I have to take a rain check on our drink." Dad told me over the phone. "Why?" I asked as I grabbed Nate. Pulled him closer to the phone so he could hear Dad too. "Client in crisis. Can't get out of the office, but I'll be home as soon as I can." "Our talk was kind of important." I said to him. "It's business, Nick. You understand, right? We'll talk later." And just like that he hung up on me.

Looks like parents can be deceiving on both side of the bridge.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Nate asked me. "Let's go," I said as we made our way to our Dad's office. And when we found him, we found that he lied about the drugs being a one time thing. He was in the stairwell, buying another bag.

Looks like cold, hard cash can get you the cold, hard truth. Didn't anyone tell you, Golden Boys? Be careful what you wish for.

Spotted , Bass drunk off his ass. At The Palace bar drinking away his woes and his investment capital. 

Cat's POV:

This morning was fairly normal until I got a call from Nate to meet at Wicked

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This morning was fairly normal until I got a call from Nate to meet at Wicked. He said it was important and that he really needed to talk. "Hey" I said when I saw him sitting at a table by the window. He just got up and hug me. "What happened, is everything okay?" I asked him. "No," was all that he said and then we sat down. He didn't say anything for a while, but I didn't want to push him. 

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