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TW : Panic attack, Bullying, Anxiety

Hazel's POV :

I walked through the numerous corridors looking for my class. I only had a piece of paper which was supposed to help me but it was no use, I didn't understand a thing on this shitty paper. I tried one last time to read the map on the flier when I bumped into someone.

"Hey you fucking bitch !" A voice yelled at me.

"I- I'm sorry I-I'm lost." I said shivering, not even looking at the person in front of me.

"And is that my problem ? I don't think so." She laughed and left with her friends.

I sighed and made my way to the class I thought was mine. I took a deep breathe a softly knocked on the door. When I heard a 'come in' I stepped into the class and still looking at my feet, I presented myself.

"I'm Hazel, Hazel Goode Venable. I'm you're new student..."

"Mmmmh, let me check." The teacher said as he was looking at his files. During this time, everyone was looking at me and I could feel the tears brimming on the corner of my eyes.

"I'm sorry young lady, you're not in my class. Maybe I can help you find yours ?" He demanded nicely. I finally looked up to him but my eyes found the class, where everyone was looking at me with a strange expression.

"Are you okay ?" The teacher approached me but I stepped back.

"I- I..." And I suddenly broke down, in front of a whole class of teenagers. People were laughing at me and other ones were treating me of 'baby', 'childish weirdo' and horrible names. The teacher screamed to calm his class and I just walked back until I was able to use my legs to run away. After few minutes of crying through the corridors, I was still lost so I decided to call mom Delia. She was always answering me, even when she was teaching a class. When she picked up the phone, I was a crying mess, sitting in a ball my back against a locker.

"... mom ? ..." I cried.

"Yes baby ? Are you okay ??" She asked a bit stressed by my weak crying voice.

"M- mom I'm- I'm lost I- I c- can't f- find my cl- class ..."

"Oh sweetheart... Okay take a deep breathe, you need to calm down. Where are you right now ?" She was trying to calm me down as she always succeeded to do so.

"I'm s- sitting on the- the floor... I'm in a- a big corridor."

"Okay. What is the color of the floor honey ?"

"It's g- gray..."

"Okay that's very good. And what is the color of the walls ?"

"They're yellow, bright yellow." I said looking around me, starting to coming back.

"Oh that must be very pretty. How do you feel now my love ?" She said probably still concerned but in a sweet voice.

"I- I'm okay. But I don't know where my class is."

"Okay, so listen to me. You're gonna stand up, alright are you up ?" I answered positively. "Now walk down the corridor in order to find a map on the wall."

I stopped in front of the fire map, the one that tells you where you need to escape.

"Found one." I stated proud of myself.

"You're so smart and fast Hazel ! That's good, now do you know where you are on the map ?"

"Yes, there is a big red dot that says 'You are here'".

"And can you see the front desk, like the office of the school ? Maybe the principal office ?"

I looked at the map for few seconds when I found it. It wasn't very far to where I was and mom guide me through the phone until I found the secretary.

"I found it mom !" I screamed of relief.

"Brilliant, you're brilliant my sweet girl. I'm so proud of you. Now I'm going to hang up, I need you to talk to the secretary and tell them who you are, that you're new and that you can't find your class. Then it'll be okay. If anything happen, call me baby. Okay ?"

"Yes, thank you mom, love you." I hang up the phone myself and stepped in front of the office.

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