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Steve rose early on the morning of the conference, finding Wren's side of the bed vacant. He dressed and found her in the nursery, feeding Lucan whilst Lenore began to wave her arms at him.
Plucking her from her cot, he placed a kiss on her head. "Impatient like your mother..." he scolded lightly.

"I beg to differ, she gets that from you". Wren smirked and rocked back and forth in the chair whilst their son fed from his bottle.

"You're just excited, aren't you?" Steve held his daughter up to admire her, "Daddy's going to be setting a nice little trap for all those world leaders, and by the end of today they'll be under our control". He told her with such a smooth voice that Wren couldn't help but want him to speak to her in that tone.

Lenore gurgled at him in response, and gave her gummy smile as she looked down from where he held her.

"See?" Steve looked to Wren, "She can't wait for me to get started".

She smirked. "Neither can I, I have the codes to the security cameras so I can watch them squirm and plead for help". It sent shivers up her spine. "Oooooh I wish I could be there".

"Your place is here little bird, just like it has been from day one." He was now by her side and leant down, placing a long and lingering kiss on her lips. "and tonight? After we have all the leaders under our control? We celebrate".

His kiss left her wanting more, she was already aching and bruised from the night before - something to give him the 'stamina' for the mission at hand. It had left her with very little today, however she'd have front row seats for the entertainment later on.

"A private celebration?"

He leant down and whispered the next words into her ear. "You're gonna need help walking tomorrow sweetheart, who knows? Tonight we could conceive the third in our bloodline".

She kissed him again, teeth gently nibbling at his lip. "Not in front of the children".

The rumble of a growl rose at the back of his throat. "You are just divine, I can't help myself..."

"and yet control has always been your strongest ability".

"Not around you it hasn't. From the moment I saw you I lost it, and I still do". Placing Lenore into the baby gym, he took Lucan from her and held him close, placing a kiss onto his head and then putting him into the other baby gym. "C'mere Wrenny..." he beckoned his wife from the rocking chair and took her into his arms, tucking some hair behind ear. "I have to leave soon, but I'll be in touch once we're on our way back with our newest members of Hydra".

He cupped her face with his hands and kissed her one last time. Her eyes bore into his own. "Go get us those world leaders Captain, whatever it takes".

"Whatever it takes".


Steve shook the President's hand as he met with the world leaders from each country, of course T'Challa and Zemo we conveniently busy with last minute state affairs and couldn't attend, however everyone else was in attendance and now seated around a large table.

This couldn't have been planned any better.

"I trust that everything is under control Captain". The President looked around at the turnout.

Steve nodded, "Hydra have ensured that everything is secure sir. Any unwanted interruptions and I will personally see that they will be dealt with. 

"Thank you Captain, just your presence here puts my mind to rest". The President smiled and was then moved on to go and greet everyone.

The meeting began and Steve stood there, Captain Hydra being there solely for the fact that if anything happened then he would protect them.

Yeah right...the show was about to begin.

"All personnel in the building taken care of Captain..." Rumlow's voice came through his ear piece. "Maximoff's been a real help too in that area, want me to hit the alarm?"

"Affirmative". He used the code word to signal the beginning and then told Brock he would meet them in the hallway outside the conference room.

The alarm sounded and the leaders looked around in confusion.

"Stay calm, it could simply be a fake alarm, please keep to your seats and I'll go and see what's going on, you're all safer in here than you are out there". Steve reassured them all, and then headed out in the hallway, closing the doors behind him.

Bucky and Rumlow secured the doors and then signalled for Nat to fill the room with the gas. There was no getting out of there. They couldn't even have time to break the glass on the windows through the thick smoke. 
The leaders were banging against the doors, coughing and spluttering until everything went silent on the other side of the doors. 

"All leaders down, the amount I gave 'em will keep them knocked out for hours". Nat's voice came through the ear piece. "Gas is clear, time to get these guys outta here whenever you're ready Captain". 

Steve nodded to Rumlow and Bucky, "Get your teams, get them on the jet and let's back back to headquarters". He gave the order and then send word to Triskelion to prepare the mind wiping chambers.

He watched on, hands resting comfortably on his belt as each leader was dragged out to the jet, feeling satisfied that they had done enough. 

Bucky joined his side as the last of the leaders were taken out and looked across at his friend's solemn expression. "This is it pal...we've worked for years to get this far and now we're finally here. We should be celebrating". 

"I'm not celebrating until each and every one of them has been wiped and bows down to us. Only then will I know that our plan has been successful". Steve replied. "We have Avengers, we have world leaders, and now we will have the world itself". 

Tomorrow was a new day and tomorrow Hydra would reign supreme.

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