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Alexander Pierce looked up as Jasper Sitwell entered his office the next afternoon.

"What's the situation with our children of Hydra?" He asked while Jasper closed the door so as no one could listen in on the conversation.

"The nurse is always present caring for them. They're under heavy guard. The Captain will not let anyone see them or touch them other than the nurse, or himself and Madame. It's rare that he visits though."

Pierce sat back and contemplated. "Under lock and key. I seeeeeee...well the Captain did state that no one would be laying a finger on them."

Jasper looked at him. "How do you suppose we do this sir? The guards will need to be instructed which shouldn't be too hard if we send one of our own, but the nurse?"

"Easy...we'll just have to eliminate her."

Alexander had been planning this for the last few weeks. Hydra thrived however the lack of control on his part now was incredibly frustrating. After all he had done for the organisation? The Captain should be promoting him - hence why Pierce decided to promote himself.
With Captain Hydra distracted by the abduction of his children from right under his very nose, Alexander knew enough to know that it could be enough to possibly sway him into letting Pierce take his place as the Hydra leader. He knew Madame visited her children more than the Captain did, so blackmail to her could be an easier way.

He was playing with fire, however it was necessary action to take.

Sitwell paced the office. "It's a risk sir..."

"The Madame will crumble at the loss...she pretends not to care, but she is maternal. That is clear enough if she is the one who visits. If the Captain has any sense about him, he shall agree to put me in charge in exchange for his children's lives."

"You plan on killing the Hydra twins sir?" Sitwell asked a little astonished that Pierce would stoop that low.

"No? But he doesn't have to know that."

Sitwell nodded. "So where do we go from here?"

Pierce pondered. "Wait for my call - I'll sort everything that we need but for now? We must show
Our loyalty to the Captain and the Madame tonight, that and we have our Sokovian friend visiting. It would be too much uproar to strike now. I can wait just that little bit longer -there is always a time and place.

"Quite right. I'll wait for the call."

Watching Sitwell leave, Alexander sat back and smiled to himself. Now the Hydra twins were here his plan that had been a long time in the making would be put into actions. Use the helpless little babies as leverage, and in exchange for them - his place as the top Hydra leader.

If the Captain and Madame died in the process? Even better - but for that he would need someone just as equal in fighting stance and strong willed as the Captain...


Bucky and a newly memory wiped Natasha had returned to DC with Steve and Wren. Natasha would now be working for them and under their command. Bucky had simply come along for the Hydra dinner as Steve had made sure to invite him.

After all, he had played a key part so far.

Leaving Wren to get ready, he made his way to the nursery, telling the guard and nurse to leave until his say so. They simply headed out and left him alone, the two babies in their cots. His daughter was sleeping soundly whilst his son was awake, wide eyed and staring up at him.

"C'mere..." Steve said to him, picking him up and holding him in his arms.

Crossing over to the window, he showed the baby the city and outside world beyond the nursery walls. "It'll be a better world for you to grow in, we are making progress by the day, reaching our goals - once we have the government, we will have everything we need to make sure that the rest of the world falls under a Hydra rule - and you will be part of it." He smiled lightly down at him.

His son was looking more like him whenever he had the chance to visit. "You will grow stronger, and so will your sister. We are doing this for you...everything we do after we have what we want will be for you.

The baby gurgled a little more and Steve adjusted how he was holding him, putting him into a more comfortable hold. "You will be Captain Hydra one day, and you will have that opportunity to show everyone just how great you can be - I have no doubt that both you and your sister will."

He turned on hearing a noise and seeing Bucky watching him with a small smile, "Y'know...I don't think that I've ever seen this side of you?" He lurked in the doorway. "Permission to come in?"

"For you? Granted."

"I feel honoured." Bucky put his hand to his heart as he walked in. "So...these are the twins..." He said, coming to a stop by the cot that Steve's daughter slept in. "Well, least they're better looking than you."

Steve stifled a small laugh. "Go on, I know you wanna hold her."

"I have that honour?" Bucky asked, a little surprised.

He nodded. "I know that if anything happened, then you would protect them."

Bucky nodded, having now picked up the baby and held her. "With my life - with you till the end of the line pal, for you and for these kids."

"I know Buck, hence why you have the privilege of seeing and holding them."

"When do you think we'll see what they're capable of?"

Steve shrugged and placed his son back into his cot. "Some things may show after they turn five, perhaps earlier - the doctors can't tell yet, they're too young. They're being monitored though so at least we know how much progress they're making."

Bucky nodded, "well they're lucky - that's all I can say. They're gonna learn from the best."

"We can only hope." Steve said, watching Bucky put his daughter back down.

The future for these two babies would be bright and better - a mission that Steve and Wren could only make happen.

And they would prevail.

A/N - apologies if this is another boring chapter, we're gonna get to the good stuff next chapter, I promise 😉

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