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Bucky showed Alexander Pierce into the cell that Tony was locked away in. "Don't expect to get much outta him - he barely says anything". Bucky smirked. 

"Yes, well we've decided he'd be better off at the Siberian facility. The rest of his life seclusion? certainly seems like the better option. After all, Mr Stark is our guest here, we decided that he deserves an upgrade - plus with an arc reactor core in that chest of his? May prove useful for the future. ". Pierce said, taking his briefcase from one of the guards that had accompanied him there, and walked into the room. "Hello Tony..."

Tony Stark looked up from where he was chained and said nothing, bowing his head again.

"Don't feel like talking eh? Seems my friend here was right - you can leave us by the way. I won't be long". He told Bucky and the guards who left and stood outside to wait.

Pierce looked Tony and then put the briefcase on the floor, unlocking it and taking the Iron Man helmet from it. "Looks like it needs a bit of TLC" He said and crouched down, placing it in front of Tony, the Iron Man face staring at him. "I have a proposition for you Tony..."

Tony looked at the helmet and then at him.

Pierce carried on. "I wanna help you break outta here Tony. What the Captain did? Killing Colonel Rhodes in front of you? It sealed his fate didn't it? You want revenge".

"And just what are you offering me?" Tony finally spoke

"A lifeline...a chance to finally get justice for your friend. I have the Captains children and I need you to kill him for me".

"I thought you were all cushy with one another".

Pierce sighed. "That's the problem Tony, the amount of times that I have been overruled - hence why now it's time for me to take the reins, but for that? I need Cap and Madame out of the way. You kill him and I'll give you freedom, you'll be able to see that girl of yours again, what's her name? Pepper?"

Tony looked at him, why should I trust you?"

"You don't have to, but we both want the same thing at the end of the day - Captain Hydra dead."

He pondered and finally agreed. "You've got yourself a deal Pierce, you're not gonna be disappointed".

Pierce smirked and took the Iron Man helmet, placing it back into the briefcase and then knocking on the door to let them know they were ready.

"Bring him". Was all he said to the guards who walked in, Bucky unchaining Tony.

He stood there and as Tony passed, the pair made eye contact for a few seconds. "Enjoy your solitude Mr Stark". Bucky said he watched the group leave. "And Mr Pierce..."

Alexander turned back to him. "Barnes".

"Tell the Captain that I can spare some Winter Soldiers, including myself, to find and skin the bastard who has taken his children".

"I'll tell him". Alexander nodded and proceeded up the steps that led to the helipad.

Bucky watched him go before muttering, "Yeah...I bet you will".


Wren hadn't stopped pacing, she hadn't slept and now as Steve watched she was muttering to herself - plotting the many forms of torture and demise that she could inflict on the person responsible for taking her babies.

"Wrenny..." Steve now grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her. "Back to me ok? Focus on me..."

She looked at him, but she wasn't there - he could see that. His wife was embroiled in her own personal torture, and he was waiting on Rumlow to come back to him with any surveillance footage .

"We will get them back, and when we do? There will be hell to pay..." he pulled her into him and held her close. "They chose the wrong people to mess with".

"Why will you not tell me who took our babies...they're our children! And you aren't doing anything!"

He let go of her, now feeling angered by the accusation that had fallen from her lips. "You think I'm doing nothing! I have everyone searching, focusing on getting our children back - the whole of Triskelion has been turned upside down for them! My agents have been working through the night! Myself included to try and trace them! I am doing everything I fucking can!"

Once he had calmed himself, he walked to the bar and poured himself a drink, downing it before picking the bottle and drinking from that. Still the anger was bubbling and the bottle was sent hurling into the wall, smashing and showering the floor with glass and its contents.

Steve glanced over at his wife and saw she was stood looking aimlessly out of the window again. "What else do you expect me to do? I can't fucking conjure them outta thin air". He spat.

Her head turned and her expression darkened. "Try fucking harder". She hissed and stormed out of the room, Steve now following her and slamming her against the wall and keeping her there by one of his hands wrapping around her throat.

"Don't..." he growled at her. "Don't place the blame on me!" The grip of his hand tightened around her throat, however she didn't struggle, she simply kept her eyes on his. By this point he knew that she didn't care whether she lived or died. She was more numb than she'd ever been.

Releasing his grasp, she stifled a cough and walked away. "I told you we will find them, have I ever broken my promises to you before?"

Wren turned back to him as she reached the bedroom door. "No, but you have to start somewhere ..." her words were cold as she walked into the bedroom and left him standing there.

His phone vibrated in his pocket and he saw Rumlow's name flash up. "Tell me you have something".

"Confirmation of your suspicions Captain - I'll send the footage over now. Want us to deal with it?" He asked

"No. I've got this..." Steve hung up and smirked to himself.

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