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Steve was in his office when he heard the agonised screams sounding from the level below. 

His wife...

He knew it from anywhere, there was no mistaking it - and something was very wrong.

He bolted to the elevator and jabbed at the buttons until finally it took him to the floor below, Wren now screaming and yelling for security as he rushed to her. She was holding their children's blankets, and now as Steve went into the nursery, he saw the nurse maid lying in a pool of blood on the floor and the two cribs vacant...

His children were gone...

Rumlow and his men were now in the nursery, Brock looking to Steve on seeing the murdered nursemaid. "Captain..." He began

Steve's blood was at boiling point. "I WANT EVERY PERSON IN THIS BUILDING SERACHING EVERY FUCKING CORNER! WE DON'T STOP UNTIL WE FIND THEM!" He now roared, picking his wife up from where she'd collapsed to her knees the floor, and keeping her steady. "PUT ALL AGENTS ON ALERT! I WANT CCTV LOOKED AT! WHERE WAS THE FUCKING GUARD THAT WAS ON DUTY!" 

No idea Captain, but we'll find them". Rumlow nodded and began to co ordinate a search with his team. "Get the widow and Barton out there, lock down the building, secure the area outside - no one leaves through those gates until the Captain says so..." 


Brock signalled for the team to get going and then turned to Steve. "We need a picture of the twins sir, to confirm their identity". 

As much as they'd kept the children's faces from everyone, now it was necessary to. He sent the picture to Rumlow's phone. "Send Romanoff and Barton to me, we'll head and look on the north side of the building". He instructed, "I'm about to make an announcement. "You find anyone with my children, you keep them alive, because Madame and I want the pleasure of killing them ourselves". 

"Yes Sir". Rumlow looked at the picture of the baby boy and girl before shoving his phone into his pocket and heading to begin the search". 

Pierce exited the elevator and came up to them. "What's happening Captain? An attack?" 

"On Madame and I? Yes - some bastard has murdered the nurse and taken the twins". 

Pierce now looked into the nursery and made a face. "Geez...where the hell was the guard on duty?" 

"That's what I wanna fucking find out - someone in this building took them, and when I find them I'm going to make sure that they never see the light of day again!" Steve spat, holding Wren close.

Pierce looked at her. "Madame, you're in shock, you need to sit down..."

She eyed him calmly. "I don't need to sit down Pierce...I need to find the person or people responsible, and slit their pretty little throats." 

It was chilling to hear it from a woman who had gone from raging to calm and collected. Then again, like the Captain, Madame could blow hot and cold at the snap of a finger. 

"What would you have me do Captain?" Pierce asked. 

Steve looked at him coldly. "Your job Alexander - I'll summon you if I need you - send for someone to take the body away and clean the blood up". He said, steering Wren away to the elevator and heading back up to the apartment. 

She was distant, in a sadistic daze as she stared out of the window. "They took my babies...and I will kill them all until I find them..." 

"We will find them, now I need to make an announcement over the system". Steve told her and flicked the switch that allowed him to speak to everyone through the building. "Attention everyone. As you may have heard Triskelion is on lockdown until further notice. The children of Hydra have been stolen from us, a personal attack against Madame and I. As of now the only job you have is to search for them. Someone in this building is guilty as charged. I know that someone knows something, and now my further words are just for them..." He said and paused. before his next dark words came through in a chilling manner across the system for all to hear.  

"You just made the biggest mistake of your life..." 

Flicking the switch off, he came out of his office and watched Wren as she stood at the window still, fists clenched so tightly that her nails dug into her own palms, making them bleed a little. "I'm going to rendezvous with Barton and Romanoff, searching the north side". 

"We don't know how long they've been gone? It could have been all night, in which case someone's far from here by now with our babies!" 

"Rollins is looking over CCTV as we speak. We'll know what happened after he reports to us..." Steve explained. 

Wren looked at him. "You have suspicions, I can tell you do! Who took them Steve!" 

His suspicions of Alexander had been raised purely upon judging his reaction to the news that the twins had been taken. There was no panic. He'd remained collected. 

Too calm in Steve's opinion, but he couldn't point fingers until he knew for sure whether he was correct. 

"I need to go and search, we're wasting time here". He told her, and headed for the elevator. 

"Steve! Steve tell me!" She yelled and started hammering on the elevator doors as they closed. 

Taking his phone from his pocket, Steve found Bucky's number. "We have a situation over here that you're not gonna like..."


Alexander Pierce sat back and waited calmly until Sitwell answered the phone. "And how are our little bundles of terror?" He asked. 

"They're fine sir. At the location you told the guard to bring them to. I'm with them now..." 

"Good. It's as we expected. Madame has crumbled, the Captain is raging but I can tell he may crack. We're going to need back and who better than Mr Stark himself..." 

Sitwell paused. "You want Iron Man to go against the Captain?" 

"We'll pay him a visit, we can spin some crap and make a deal. The Captain murdered his best friend in front of him, he's going to want revenge. Stark kills Cap and Madame, and we get Hydra under our control". 

"Yeah but how are we gonna pull it off? The place is under the guard of Winter Soldiers, they see us leave with Stark then they'll know something's up". 

Pierce smirked. "We're Hydra, we can simply say we're moving him to another location so as the Captain can keep an eye on him and break him down bit by bit. Barnes can't say no to me. I have a higher level of authorisation". 

"When will you go to him?" 

"Tonight. The Captain can't keep everyone here - they'll soon realise the twins are not on site and lift the lockdown so as we can search further afield". 

Sitwell took it all in, "Keep me updated, but as soon as you leave with Stark, then the Captain will be made aware of it". 

"Which is what I want...then he'll come to bargain. If he actually cares about his children's lives then he will hand all control of Hydra over to me." Pierce now told him, "It's about time things changed around here..." 

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