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The doors to the meeting room opened and both Steve and Wren walked in to where King T'Challa was waiting to greet them along with Zemo. Everything was arranged and the plan set into place. They would be turning a King today and would now have a very strong ally in Wakanda. They could use the technology and with access to vibranium?

That was even better.

"Captain..." T'Challa smiled. "It's an honour to finally meet you."

"King T'Challa, a pleasure." Steve said as they both made the Wakanda gesture with their arms across their chests. "This is Madame." He now introduced Wren.

T'Challa bowed his head. "Madame...Zemo has told me many things about you."

"All good I hope." Wren smirked and then discreetly shooting a warning look to the Sokovian.

"Of course, I wouldn't expect anything else."

Oh he really had no idea just what she was capable of. Poor dear.

Steve looked across to Wren and seemed to be thinking the same. They had to play their cards right. "So...I would've thought that Wakanda was leading the way in security?" Steve said as they settled at the table with Zemo, Wren keeping to her feet and leaning back against the wall, arms folded.

"We have security, however no place is ever secure Captain." T'Challa stated, "As Zemo pointed out to me during our conference call. I was hoping to discuss a trade. Offer materials and services to help build or update your current technology in exchange for security. I have brought with me something that you may like." He said as a member of his security came in and brought forward a pair of gauntlets before returning outside. "A gift and offer of friendship from me to you."

Steve looked at the gauntlets and tried them. Now these would be of some use. "Thank you, however my agreement to meet you means that I already consider that done. Zemo will tell you it takes a lot for me to trust anyone."

And he trusted no one.

"Understandable, and considering your role it is no wonder - they compare you to Captain America...I gather you have heard of him?"

Steve gritted his teeth but remained calm. "Yes...if I had a dollar for every time someone told me that."

"After what happened with the Avengers...people lost their trust in heroes, but then you came along and restored their faith. I lost my father in the UN Bombing, so to see them locked away for what they did? It was a moment of justice."

"Oh I am all about justice..." Steve said, the slight sinister tone in his voice only being caught by Wren and Zemo who smirked to themselves.

T'Challa smiled. "I am glad." and looked to Wren. "Madame, what is your role within the organisation?"

She pushed herself from the wall and came to stand behind Steve, placing her hand gently on his shoulders. "Keeping everyone in line, apart from my husband of course, I'm rather particular in the way things are...executed...around here."

Steve patted her hand. "She likes things to run as smoothly as I do. Madame is very efficient when I'm away. I know the organisation is in safe hands."

and bloodied ones at that.

"Now, perhaps you should like to see what we do here at Triskelion?" Steve said, getting up while Zemo and T'Challa did also.

"Very much."

Zemo walked next to him as the three men made their way out. "You will be amazed at how Hydra are leading with their technology, the weapons they have in case of attacks like the one on New York a few years ago? Amazing."

"Although we would welcome any idea that you have to make it better." Steve put in, winking to Wren as the door closed and they left her.

She smirked to herself and then another door to the meeting room opened, Bucky walking in and bowing his head to her. "Everything's prepared..."

"Good...they're taking the King on a tour right now - Have you sedated his security?"

"They put up a bit of a fight however we got them...they'll have finished being wiped and will be on guard before the King even get to the processing room."

Wren laughed lightly. "Good work Barnes...now it's down to Steve and Zemo to lure our new friend there. Our first world leader - and it couldn't be a better one." She gestured to the gauntlets. "He brought Steve a little present too."

Bucky stifled a laugh. "Little?" and picked them up, studying them. "Now these? These are niiiiice."

"I know...handy to have those as well as a shield. I could sense his excitement."

Bucky took out his phone and saw the message from Steve.

Ready to comply?

Bucky chuckled and showed Wren. "The show's about to begin Madame, I'm gathering you're going to be there watching?"

She snorted. "Of course I am...this is a historic day and I want to be there to witness us bring our first world leader under a Hydra rule. Come along Barnes..."

He followed her down to the processing room and saw that T'Challa's security were wiped and ready. Looking as though nothing had happened.

Within minutes, Steve, Zemo, and T'Challa were walking in. Steve nodding to Bucky and seeing the security team block the door. "Now this...this room is where we prepare..."

"Prepare Captain?"

"Mhmmm...you see...Hydra? We are more than just security - far from it. Soon we're going to have the whole country, even the world under our rules. And you? You're gonna be the first to have the honour of complying."

T'Challa suddenly became aware of exactly what was happening and made for the door, his security as well as Bucky dragging him to the machine where he was thrown inside - the door locking. "What is this! What did you do to them!"

"It was really a pleasure doing business with you sire, and thank you again for opening up Wakanda to us - we really really need that vibranium- see you when you get out - we can talk more plans then." Steve looked darkly at him and nodded to Bucky.

"Put our new friend under."

Submission (Dark!SteveRogers AU) - 3Where stories live. Discover now