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The doors to the cell opened and Steve walked in accompanied by two Winter Soldiers, walking towards the bars and glass that separated himself and Sam Wilson. 

"Look at you...rotting away like a caged rat." Steve said coming to a stop in front of the holding cell. "Kind of sad to think that you were one of earth mightiest heroes..." 

"Didn't think you made house calls." 

Steve stared at him. "I thought we could have a little talk - regarding your freedom." and was met with silence. "Not big on conversation eh? We'll soon see about that..."  and paced back and forth in front of the cell. "I'm putting together my own little army Sam, and I could really use you and your..." he looked him up and down. "Expertise..." 


Of course he would say no. The Widow had, however she was of far more use. This man? He simply had wings that Steve could easily clip. Wilson already didn't seem like the type to comply and it would be a shame to waste potential, however he had a whole team still left to play with. 

"You've yet to hear what I have to offer." 

"Doesn't matter. What the hell did you do with Nat?" Sam demanded, face all but pressed against the glass. 

Steve sighed. "Natasha Romanoff submitted, like the good little widow that she is. You? Well, I would think a little about what I'm about to say before you decline my offer." 

"What is it?" 

The doors opened and Wren walked in, seeing Steve and then looking to Sam. "Hello Mr Bird Man." Standing next to her husband and then grinning at him. "Do I get to play with this one?" 

"Perhaps dearest, perhaps...it depends on if he'll say yes." 

Wren nodded condescendingly. "It's a very good offer Mr Wilson. You get your freedom and your life." 

"For what, exactly?" 

Steve crossed his arms. "Joining our organisation. You don't even have to remember a thing, we'll help you out with that one." 

"That what you did to Nat? Wiped her mind so now she does your dirty work?" 

Steve slammed his fist against the glass, which was thankfully strong enough not to shatter. "I get my hands dirty thank you...and you say no? Well, they're gonna be getting dirtier." 

The growl in his voice made Wren shiver. "Ooooooh, I love it when you use that tone with the toys." and looked at Sam. "He would never lie to you. The Captain is an honest man." 

"If he's so honest, then answer me this?" Sam now challenged. "Who are you really? Other than a coward behind a mask." 

Steve tutted, "Now, now Sam - you can't just go making your demands. Someone could get hurt...more specifically - you. I'd hate to kill you just because you want to know my name." He put a hand on Wren's shoulder. "Do you really want to play with this one sweetheart? He's already broke rule number 1." 

Wren sighed dramatically. "I always have Mr Bullseye hanging around in the playroom to whip into shape...this one? If he's already broken the first rule, then he is clearly not Hydra material my love." 

Steve leant in and kissed her deep. She had calmed from her little outburst earlier, most likely beating the rest of Barton's life out of him. "I think you may just be right, but we should still give him one last chance..." and then looked darkly at Sam. "So what's it going to be Wilson? Join us and thrive? Or die by my shield?" 

"You really are limiting the choices here aren't you?" 

"It's a simple decision. Do you care enough to live?"

Sam looked them up and down with disgust. "Kill me." 

Wren tutted to herself. "Oh Mr Wilson. I was really hoping that you were a reasonable man, seeing as that's what you come across as. I think I should really leave my husband to take of this. As much as I would love to stay and play? Well, it can sometimes get a little bit too messy."

Steve nodded in agreement. "Are you sure you don't want to witness the fun sweetheart? You were so excited for the bloodshed too?" he leant into her. "Watching the life drain from him? Go on Wrenny...you know you want to." 

She all but melted against him. "Now how can I resist when you put it like that? I'll let you take it from here though. I much prefer a front row seat." 

He laughed and turned back to Sam. "Absolute dynamite isn't she?"

"Yeah...a real catch..." Sam replied, the sarcasm obvious. 

Steve became angry. "You dare insult her?" 

"I dare..." 

"Open the fucking cell up - Wilson wants to see my face? Well, it's gonna be the last that he sees!" Steve demanded and a solider unlocked the door. 

"Captain..." Wren now looked at him with curiosity, "You letting him have the privilege?" 

Steve grinned and removed his helmet, seeing Sam's face not falter. 

He didn't know. 

"Oh boy am I...you wanna know who I am? I'm Steve Rogers..." 

Sam shook his head slowly. "Nah...that ain't possible. Steve Rogers was a war hero. He died in the ice saving millions of people..." 

"That was who he was then, this is who he is now. Who I am - and I'm a far better person for it let me tell you that. I owe Hydra a hell of a lot." Steve now removed the shield from his back and smirked. "They do say never meet your heroes..." 

Wren watched as he walked into the cell and repeatedly slammed the shield down against Wilson, a small satisfactory smile forming on her lips until finally it was over. Steve taking a few steps back and then looking back at his wife. 

"How was that for a show sweetheart?" 

She flashed him a dazzling smile. "A shame, however he deserved what he got. Insulting myself and you for that matter - mentioning him." 'Him' being the man who Steve was before all of this. They never spoke of it, and Wren knew better than to rile her husband up by bringing up a past that was dead. 

Steve wiped the blood from the shield using the bed sheets in the cell and walked out, joining her. "You can have some playtime with Barton before we leave. We have our organisation dinner remember?" 

The last had been eventful, with Pierce almost losing a hand. Who knew what tomorrow evening would bring? Most likely him talking about the twins and probably trying to convince Steve that breeding was the way forward. 
He wasn't so sure. There were bound to be more children due to his enhanced body, but the toll that it had taken on Wren's? She had barely survived birthing two and had suffered a little throughout pregnancy. What if there were three next time? 

It could potentially kill her. 

Pierce's excuse would be that Steve could always find another to take her place. A stronger woman who could take it far better. 


If it was suggested then there would be no chance of that. Wren was his little bird. His chosen companion. His wife. 

She would always be his to possess.

No other. 

"Clean this up." He commanded the two winter soldiers and then took his wife's arm. "One hour of playtime and then we leave. Understood?" 

She leant up and uttered the words against his lips that sent a feral rumble through his chest. "Yes...Captain." 

Submission (Dark!SteveRogers AU) - 3Where stories live. Discover now