The Handmaiden's Tale

Start from the beginning

"So what exactly are we looking for." Chuck asked as he tried on the different masks he brought with him for the ball. "Evidence." Nate said as he and Nick searched his dad's filing cabinet. "Of what? The captain's dislike of starchy shirts? I totally sympathize. The collars chafe." Chuck joked. "Be serious, Chuck." I told him, as I watched the twins continue their search. "So, did you guys ever ask him about the missing money from your accounts." I asked, thinking that this was linked to whatever they were looking for.

"Yeah, he said he was moving accounts around. It was all back the next day." Nick said as he looked through his father's bank book. "So why worry. Mysterious financial transactions, warring parents. Welcome to the Upper East Side, Tutor Girl." Chuck said, addressing the final part of that statement to me. I just rolled my eyes.

Nate was flipping the pages of one of his father's books when a little bag fell out of it. And it wasn't just any bag, it was a cocaine bag. "Chi Chi get the yayo." I said, quoting Scarface. "Gentlemen, I'm shocked, I thought you were strictly herbal men." Chuck said to Nick and Nate. "It's not ours." the twins said. Meaning it had to be their dads.

Why is it  that Friends of Serena Van der Woodsen have to search for her suitor? Have fables fallen so out of fashion that princesses have to do everything themselves? Call us old-school, but sometimes the Fairy Tale ending requires he knight to get off his ass and saddle up his steed.

After our little investigation, I decided to take Nate for a walk, help him clear his head. "Maybe the drugs are old. You know, left over from the '90s or something." I suggested to make him feel. better, although even  I didn't believe it as I said it. "You and I both know it's not old Cat. And it makes total sense." He told me. "Are you talking about how he drained your and Nick's accounts?" I asked him. "The accounts, his erratic behavior... I think he's having some money problems." He told me.

"I just wish he'd be honest with Nick and I. It's like he and my mom, they made some secret pact to act like robots." He said, feeling exasperated. "Yeah, I think every parents is in on that pact." I said, trying make a a joke out of this situation. "But we're not little kids anymore. He doesn't have to shut me out." Okay, so my little joke backfired, so it was time for a new approach.

"Nate," I said as I stood in front of him to get him to stop walking, grabbing onto both of his hands as I looked in to his perfect blue eyes. "I think he might be just as scared as you are. Maybe you and Nick have to tell him how you guys feels more than once for him to really listen. Just don't give up on him, okay?" He didn't say anything back, he just pulled me closer to him and leaned his forehead against mine.

I was scared where this was going, so I cleared my throat and told him, "I have to go get ready for the ball tonight." My voice was no louder than a whisper. "Yeah, me too," He said, slowly pulling himself away from me. "Look, thanks for just listening, and for being here. It really mean a lot." "Any time, Nate. That's what I'm here for." I told him, and just before we went our separate ways, he kissed me on my forehead.

After Nate and I went our separate ways, I went to the apartment above the cafe to get ready with Jo.

After Nate and I went our separate ways, I went to the apartment above the cafe to get ready with Jo

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