"And I am Shain! Nice t'meet ya!" he had to comment. And what is with that accent?

Now that I have a closer look at him, he is a rather skinny tall white guy. His entangled curly brown hair grants him a messy look and his pointy ears surfaces between those tangles of hairs. Well, his white and blue sport suit is also messy. His bag is also messy. In fact, everything about him is messy.

"I asked Heron to help you practice with your magic." Caesar puts his hand on top of Heron's shoulder, "He is a hemomancer."

Heron smiles at me, very proud of his status. And something catches my attention, something blue. It is his collar. I instantly frown my eyebrows, confused with what I am seeing. This makes no sense.

"Why are you not wearing a green collar, then?"

"He is an especial hemomancer." Caesar points at him with his head.

Heron nods happily, "Yup! I can control other people's blo'd besides' mine!"

Okay, now it makes total sense. What a truly dangerous and terrific power this guy possesses. If he wanted to, we would be dancing at his mercy. Even Caesar would not be able to stop the control as there is no tangible attack to deflect with.

"I see. Anyways, let's enter." I suggest them.

The crystal door slides open as it detects our presence. As always, the main hall is not very crowded. Heron and I wait at the entrance to the training rooms as Caesar again manages the bureaucracy in the reception.

"What's ya power, by da way?" Heron asks me, "Ev'rything happened so quic' yesterday."

"She is a metallomancer." Caesar answered for me from the reception, "Well, kind of."

"A Metalo... Cool, pal!" he really loves to smile.

Does he really know what a metallomancer means? Do not get me wrong, but this guy does not seem very gifted in intelligence. After all, there is another one that is still willing to help me after what happened. I am not looking at Caesar or anything like that.

Caesar returns to us after finishing the procedure and hands to each of us a barrier medallion, which we take them and put on our chest. Then, we cross the door that leads to the training rooms. As always, the place is filled with students practicing with their magic. Do they not get exhausted with that much training? I would, definitely. I wonder if Agata is also training here. Well, not that I really care, actually.

After a while, we reached our designated and private room, courtesy of Aelard. We leave our bags on top of the bench and near the entrance except Heron, and we prepare ourselves on the field.

"Lorra, can ya show me'gain ya magic?" asks me Heron while dropping his bag near his feet.

Lorra? What is with this sudden approach? Revolting. Who the hell allowed you to call me that? Disgusting. Are you even my friend? Gross, gross, gross. Please, die.

"Yeah, no problem."

I wave my hands in motion to create the half blade. And I point it towards Heron. Hm? Heron is casually looking at me. Is he not afraid in the slightest? Do not put yourself so high. I thrust my arm forwards and the blade  for once obeys my command, passing a few meters from Heron. I am very proud of myself.

"Be more careful." scolds me Caesar.

Heron has been following the blade's trajectory with his gaze, and now he looks back at me smiling.

"One mor' time, please."

I keep creating more blades and try to shoot with them at the hologram dummies. As always, the blades act as if they had their own consciousn. One after another, the new guy asks one more time again and again. Cut the fucking crap already. How many times do I have to demonstrate for you? What are your eyes for?

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