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After skipping school that day and being comforted and watching movies with Michael, I spent pretty much every waking moment with him for the next few days. Unless I was sleeping or decided to go to school, I was with Michael. We spent our time cuddling, watching Netflix, eating food- mainly pizza, and learning more about each other. He had shed his bad boy persona around me, and I couldn't help but to develop a bigger crush on him.

Michael acted like he was just this tough guy that would beat the crap out of anyone that looked at him the wrong way. He could've fooled anyone with his tattoos, piercings, and neon hair. He acted like this big time player- only into one night stands- which was kind of true, but that was only due to his trust issues. He was too afraid to develop relationships with people in fear of getting let down.

Despite all these things, Michael was really just a kitten. He needed to be shown love and affection. And I was going to do everything in my power to show him those things.


I hadn't spoken to Luke since our little encounter on my front porch a few days earlier. Of course I'd seen him at school, but he avoided me like his life depended on it- not that I really wanted to talk to him anyways. The only thing I wanted to know was what he was thinking. I didn't want his pity or for him to feel bad for me. But I knew that he probably did. Nobody hears that kind of information and doesn't feel at least little bit sorry about it.


A week had now passed since the incident, and Michael and I were currently sitting in the kitchen eating Chinese takeout when we heard the front door open.

"Alyx?" A woman's voice spoke as her body came into the view of the kitchen.

It was my mom.

I had completely forgotten that she was coming today. With everything that has happened lately, I was lucky to know what day of the week it was let alone when my mother was coming to join me in Australia.

I quickly got out of my seat and ran to give her a hug. My grip was tight around her waist, and she stumbled backwards, taken aback by my sudden enthusiasm of seeing her. I normally wasn't one to show her much affection, but it had been a while since I had last seen her, and I really did miss her.

After we had finished embracing, mom seemed to realize that weren't alone.

"Honey, who is this?" She asked. I could tell she was trying her best not to sound rude. Michael was quite a sight after all with his whole punk look.

"Mom, this is Michael. Michael, this is my mom." I said introducing the two.

Michael stood up and walked over to where my mom was standing and reached out his hand to shake hers. "It's nice to meet you Ms. Harper."

"Same to you, Michael." My mom said with a noticeably forced smile.

The whole situation was extremely awkward.

"So, mom, how was your flight?" I asked in a desperate attempt to ease the tension.

"It was good...can I talk to you for a minute?" She asked.

Michael got the memo that she wanted to have a private conversation with me, so he looked at me and nodded his head before leaving the room.

"Why are you friends with that...that punk!? Are you dating him? I swear to God, Alyx Grace, if you are dating that boy-" Mom spoke in a ferocious whisper until I cut her off.

"Mom. There's nothing wrong with being friends with him. He's a nice guy. And no, we're not dating." I really don't understand how some people can be so judgmental of others they know nothing about. That's probably my biggest pet peeve.

"He's only being nice so that he can get in your pants...has he tried anything with you yet?" Her voice was slowly starting to raise.

"No, mom." I lied, thinking back to the time when he pretty much stalked me, and then we had a little make out session.

"You know nothing about him." I spoke sternly and loudly, not bothering to keep my voice hushed anymore.

"I don't care. He's bad news, Alyx, I can tell. I forbid you to see him again. So go and say goodbye now because you're not going to see that punk ever again." Mom demanded, practically screaming in my face.

I held my ground though. She wasn't going to do this to me. "No."

"You are a minor and will do as I say. Now go get rid him. I don't want him in this house."

"No! I need him, mom. I need him!" I begged. She wouldn't know the thoughts that go through my head, so she wouldn't know how much he supported me. And she doesn't know how much Michael needed me. We needed each other.

"You're 16. The only person you need is me. Go say goodbye before I kick him out himself." She threatened.

"Fine." I glared. Tears were threatening to spill from my eyes, but I wouldn't let her see them.

I knew that Michael had heard everything from the look on his face.

"I'm sorry." I sobbed into his chest while his arms wrapped protectively around my body.

"Shh, don't cry, baby. Everything's going to be alright." Michael soothed. I don't know how he was acting so calm.

"Please don't go." I whispered.

"I have to, baby." He kissed the top of my head before releasing me and walking out the front door.

I sobbed even harder as the door clicked shut. My mother came into the room to make sure that he had left, but I couldn't bear to be in the same room as her anymore. I took the stairs two at a time and slammed my bedroom door closed.

I refused to follow her orders.

I would see Michael again even if it killed me.

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