"Will she be alright?" Canzone's deep and husky voice joins in on the conversation, my eyes meeting his green ones.

"Yes she will, but you have to take care of the wound, my child, or it will grow into an infection." Delano responses while cleaning the wound and picking up a pair of tweezers to take out the bullet. I respond with nothing and despite the numbness I feel the cold metal enter my stomach. I felt no pain and Delano seemed shocked about that but he relaxes after a moment, realising that the area was numb. After successfully taking out the bullet, he cleans the extra blood and starts stitching the area while Canzone stays very quiet.

"He stays very quiet." I whisper to Delano who was very concentrated on the stitching. Maybe I should shut my mouth!

"I wouldn't put it like that. There's only two reasons he stays quiet. Either he does not want to talk to us or he is observing our every move. In this case, I'm positive that it's the second one."

"Well, then let me rephrase my sentence. He stays very quiet when he's not supposed to." A deep chuckle falls from Delano's mouth and a smile flies onto my face, all the while not daring to look at the dangerously handsome man beside me whose gaze was right on me. In a few minutes, the stitches are beautifully sewn with my skin and Delano applies some cream on it before packing the kit and keeping it back in the washroom.

"Take care of those. You can wash them, but do not apply too much pressure." He says, walking back into the room. He turns towards Canzone and gives him a smirk which confused Canzone but soon he understood. "Abstenez-vous également de toute activité lourde." (Refrain from any heavy activity too.)

"Je peux comprendre le français, Delano." (I can understand French, Delano.) I say getting up from the bed, clutching onto my dress so that I don't go naked in front of these two. Delano seemed shocked by my sentence but soon recovers from it, asking for my hand. I give my left hand to him and he places a kiss of top of it before taking a few steps back.

"Comment t'appelles-tu, mon enfant?" (What's your name, child?)

"Zemira, Zemira Vasilevitch." My response seemed to add fear into his box of emotions he was showing as he bowed to me and Canzone before scurrying out of the room.

A smirk emerges on my lips as my eyes meet Canzone's. "That fast, huh?" The smirk remains glued to my lips and Canzone rolls his eyes but a hint of smirk was visible on his lips. "It's a small region, what did you expect?" He rhetorically answers.

Rolling my eyes, I wave him a goodbye which I'm sure he didn't return as I walk into the marvelous bathroom. Why is everything so simple yet beautiful about this house?! The bathroom had both dark and light settings. The walls were a little lighter than black and the counter of the sink was made of light wood. A large cactus pot was kept right beside the hanger which held one white robe and the shower was in a glass cube.

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