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I sit in the drawing room with Lady Danbury, Lady Mary, Kate, and Edwina. Edwina has been rather excited about her visit since we left the palace.

"They were called zebras, I believe," Edwina says.

"So it was a pleasant visit, then?" Lady Mary asks. "I'm quite sorry I was unable to attend."

"I am certain it is not the last time we will be invited to the palace. Her Majesty seemed quite taken by Edwina, was she not Lady Danbury?" Kate tells her mama.

"And I was thinking," Lady Danbury says.

I smile. "That is never good."

Lady Danbury makes a face before continuing. "A soiree this evening. So that Miss Edwina may get to know her many suitors rather better. I shall see to everything."

"Sounds delightful," Edwina tells her.

"I like the idea as well," I tell Lady Danbury. I turn to Edwina. "Lady Danbury's parties are always marvelous."

"So long as we are judicious with our guest list," Kate says as she turns from the window. "Pardon me."

I look at Kate rather curiously as she walks out of the room. I stand up to look out the window that she was staring out of. I hold back a laugh as I spot Anthony outside with a horse of all things.

I turn to Edwina. "It appears that Lord Bridgerton is outside."

Edwina's face lights up. "He is?"

I nod my head. "He certainly is."

I follow Edwina out of the room and out the front door of the house. It seems that Kate and Anthony are having a conversation. Probably about the horse.

""Lord Bridgerton," Edwina greets.

"Miss Edwina. I have brought you a small token to remember our fine time at the races yesterday," Anthony tells her.

"Oh. The horse is for me?" Edwina asks.

"I thought you loved animals," Anthony explains.

"I do," Edwina tells him. "But usually, the kind that can curl up on my lap."

"My apologies," Anthony tells her. "You said something about Nectar reminding you of a beloved horse back at... "

"That horse is a character from a novel," Kate explains. "A novel of love, in fact. Something for which my sister is an enthusiast."

"I adore it, my lord," Edwina assures. "The horse is a generous gesture, indeed."

"Come, Edwina," Kate tells her. "We must return inside."

I cannot help but laugh as the Sharma sisters return back inside. Anthony glares at me.

"You bought her a horse," I say between giggles.

"I... It is a gift," Anthony tells me.

"To remind her of a horse she never owned," I remind him.

"I do not need this from you, Mercy," Anthony states.

"Is it Edwina you truly desire?" I ask.

"She is," Anthony tells me. "Though I do not think you have any right to ask."

"We are friends," I remind him.

"It is the light of day," Anthony remarks.

I take a breath. "I should return inside."

"Good day, Lady Mercy," Anthony tells me.

As I step into the drawing room of Hastings house I am almost knocked off of my feet. Daphne has me in a tight hug before I can even speak a word.

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