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Miss Marina Thompson's recent fall from grace continues to echo through every drawing room in town, days after it was revealed her engagement to Colin Bridgerton was nothing more than a sham. Of course, a lady's disgrace does not merely tarnish her own name. Like the tars of the Thames, it also leaves a horrid smear on anyone nearby. While there is no parasol in the world strong enough to shelter a ruined woman, the fallen Miss Thompson can only hope she shall find a refuge... somewhere.

Val walks into the drawing room Whistledown in hand.

"Have you seen this?" Val asks. He tosses himself down on the settee. "Miss Thompson is with child and it is not Colin Bridgerton's. Everyone in the ton is talking of it."

I nod my head. "I have. And I can tell you the Bridgertons will survive. All they have to do is keep smiling. Colin is the victim in this scandal after all."

"I doubt a smile will be enough to save the Featheringtons," Val says. "The whole family's reputations are destroyed."

"It really is not fair. After all Prudence, Philippa, and Penelope did nothing wrong," I state.

"Nothing in London has ever been fair, dear sister," Val tells me. "You may be a young lady, but you are not that blind. Everything you are in this town is made or broken by what other people say. And now..." Val holds up the latest Whistledown. "With Lady Whistledown. Her word is as good as gospel.

Daphne is back in town after hearing about her brother and Miss Thompson. I head over to see her at her old family home. I smile widely as I walk into the drawing room.


Daphne smiles. "Mercy."

"What are you doing here? Should you not be frolicking in newlywed bliss?" I question.

"I came as swiftly as our carriage would allow when I heard the news," Daphne tells me.

I look at her curiously. "In the middle of your honeymoon?" I chuckle. "The duke must surely be cursing the Bridgerton name for this." I look around. "Where is he, anyhow?"

"He went to set up Hastings House," Daphne tells me.

"Well, I am sure your return to London will give everyone so much to talk about, they simply have no breath left to discuss other matters," I offer. "Especially other matters that involve Colin."

Daphne nods. "Poor Colin is heartbroken."

"I can only imagine," I say.

"You cannot tell my Mama or Anthony, but I have agreed to chaperone a visit between Colin and Miss Thompson," Daphne tells me.

"He really wanted to marry her?" I ask.

Daphne nods. "It seems so."

"How has your time at Clyvedon been?" I ask with a smile.

Daphne smiles slightly. "It has been quite the honeymoon."

"I am happy for you Daphne," I tell her. I chuckle. "I will see you at the Queen's luncheon, won't I?"

Daphne nods. "Of course."

The Queen's luncheon is today. I do not think it will be of any excitement to me. Everyone in the ton is still speaking of Colin and Miss Featherington. I may very well create a scandal of my own to stop from hearing of theirs. It really is not one's business what happened between the two of them besides the two of them.

"Why must I attend this luncheon?" Valentine questions.

I take a deep breath. "Because you were invited, and no one says no to Her Majesty."

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