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Val and I arrive at Lady Danbury's ball separate from Lady Danbury and the Sharmas. The carriage was not large enough and I did not need to force myself to fit. I do not feel the need to compete for Lady Danbury's attention this season. If anything, I would like to get along with Miss Edwina and Miss Sharma. Miss Edwina is rather nice, and I can tell and Miss Sharma is willing to risk life and limb by the way she speaks to Lady Danbury.

I smile as I approach the group of them with Val in tow. "Lady Danbury. Lady Mary. Miss Sharma. Miss Edwina."

Lady Danbury smiles. "I see Lord Lockhart was able to get you here in one piece."

"Just barely, Lady Danbury," Val assures.

Lady Danbury starts to move around the room. She has her eyes on all the eligible gentlemen.

"Ah. The Marquis of Ashdown," Lady Danbury says. She is looking at a rather young gentleman with red hair. "A little young, to be sure, but he has 10,000 a year." Lady Danbury looks to a man who must be around two and thirty if not older. "The Earl of Gloucester. His wife recently died of influenza. He might make a particularly estimable addition to your dance card this evening, Miss Sharma."

"I will not be taking to the floor tonight, Lady Danbury," Miss Sharma tells her.

"Is there someone back home you've yet to tell me about?" Lady Danbury asks.

"Come now. I am long past all of that. The only match I am interested in is for my sister," Miss Sharma insists. "She trusts me implicitly. Now, what about the Duke of Suffolk? According to Debrett's, he should be quite the catch this year."

"The duke flaunts his mistresses," I inform her.

Lady Danbury smiles slightly. "I assure you, Miss Sharma, I have our prospects well in hand." She gasps. "Ah. There she is."

I spot Her Majesty with her ladies in waiting.

"Oh. So soon, Lady Danbury?" Lady Mary asks.

"Lady Danbury. A delightful soiree, as expected," Her Majesty says. "Though my own later this week will be much more exclusive."

"Your Majesty, I would not think to compare," Lady Danbury assures.

"And rightly so," Her Majesty says.

"Your Majesty, may I present Lady Mary Sharma, whom you must remember. And may I present her daughters, Miss Sharma and Miss Edwina Sharma, my personal special guests for the season," Lady Danbury says.

"A high honor, indeed," Her Majesty says. "I hear you have made quite a journey to join us again after all these years, Lady Mary. If only you had extended the courtesy of offering your queen a final farewell before you left." Her Majesty walks away without another word.

"Oh, I do relish a challenge," Lady Danbury remarks.

"Still think Miss Edwina is no competition?" Val asks.

I hit him in the arm. "Miss Edwina is a young lady like any other. I do not see anyone in this city as competition."

Suddenly and rather loudly I hear Lady Bridgerton announce, "After all, this is the season the viscount intends to find a wife."

Valentine begins to laugh. "I cannot believe Lady Bridgerton just did that."

"I can," I tell him.

Young ladies and their mamas swarm Anthony. They all thrust their dance cards at Anthony hoping to secure a dance with him. I cannot read the expression on his face. He is not too happy but not terribly bothered by them either.

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