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I arrive at the Bridgerton home as early as I can. I know that Anthony and the duke will have dueled by now. I do not think there is anything that could have stopped them. Lady Bridgerton is sitting on a settee looking like she had a marvelous evening.

"Good morning, Lady Bridgerton," I greet.

Lady Bridgerton looks surprised to see me. "Oh. Lady Mercy. Is it not a little early for you to be here?"

"It is," I assure her. "But I must speak with Daphne as soon as possible."

"I was hoping I could speak to Daphne about something," I explain.

Lady Bridgerton nods. "You are welcome to wait." She puts her head in her hand as her maids tend to her. "I did not overindulge. Truly, it was just a poor night of sleep."

"I shall fetch a glass of raw eggs and garlic, ma'am. Should be just the thing."

Daphne walks into the room. I can tell she did not sleep much. I did not think she would.

"Are you feeling better, dearest? Perhaps I, too, caught whatever it was that sent you home early from the party. I have a terrible headache, indeed," Lady Bridgerton says. Daphne sighs. "What is it?"

"I am engaged," Daphne states.

I gasp. "Engaged?"

Of all the things I thought that could happen this morning it was not an engagement for Daphne.

"Oh! Well, that is wonderful news. So, you will be a princess," Lady Bridgerton says.

"No," Daphne tells her.

Lady Bridgerton looks rather confused. "No?"

"No, I will not. Mama, I am engaged to the duke. The duke asked for my hand, and I accepted," Daphne explains.

Lady Bridgerton smiles for a moment. "You do not seem pleased. Whatever is wrong?"

"Oh no. No... Nothing is wrong. It simply happened so quickly. I've not had a moment to take it in. But I am overjoyed, Mama, truly," Daphne assures.

"Of course you are. You are to be a duchess!" I offer.

Lady Bridgerton pulls Daphne into a hug. "Oh, darling! I knew there was something between you... ruse or not! Well, tell me. Tell me everything! How do you feel?"

"So in love. I'm unsure how I can be expected to wait an entire month to marry. Could we not obtain a special license to marry this week? I do not wish to lie to you... But the duke and I..." Daphne starts.

Lady Bridgerton cuts her off, "You do not need to tell me anything. Whatever happened between the two of you, it is all right. I know good society makes quite a fuss about such things... but when it comes to love, such things happen more frequently than one might expect. Even your father and I, we had trouble controlling our passions as well."

The housekeeper comes back in with a glass. "Your drink, ma'am."

"Will not be necessary, Wilson. I am feeling much improved. We have a wedding to plan in three days. My darling girl, you are getting what you always wanted. You are marrying for love," Lady Bridgerton muses.

Daphne walks me towards the door as I ready to leave.

"Daphne. What happened this morning?" I ask.

"I told you the duke and I became engaged," Daphne says.

"Yes, but how?" I ask.

"I stopped the duel," Daphne states.

I look at her wide eyed. "How did you manage that?"

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