twenty one

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We all know the great lengths a young lady will go in pursuit of a proposal. And apparently, she will travel great distances too. Lord Anthony Bridgerton appears to be inching ever so closer to selecting his viscountess, and to that end has invited our diamond to join him for an excursion at his ancestral home, Aubrey Hall.

Val and I are in a carriage on the way to Aubrey Hall. Anthony has invited the Sharmas and by default Val and I will be attending with Lady Danbury.

"I do not even know why I agreed to make this trip," I state.

Val laughs. "Because I would not stay home to chaperone you, and neither would Lady Danbury." I cross my arms over my chest and sigh. "You should be happy to be invited."

"I would be even happier if I were not," I insist.

"You were overjoyed with our last visit to Aubrey Hall. You did not want to leave," Val reminds me.

"That feels like another lifetime ago," I tell him.

"It was not even a year," Val argues.

"Still, it does not matter," I insist. "I will just have to put on a happy smile and get on with it."

"Especially if you wish to not ruin things for Miss Edwina," Val tells me. "I know she suspects Anthony will propose at some time during the stay."

I smile slightly. "I did not realise you two were so close."

I can see Val blush lightly. "We are not really. We are... We are friends."

"Better friend than her and I it would appear," I confess.

Country air indeed clears the mind and invigorates the body. Might this be the final gust that pushes the viscount over the precipice of a proposal? Of course, the luckless souls remaining in town will have to find new diversions in the absence of their most precious of stones.

As the carriage pulls up to Aubrey Hall Val is the first to step out.

"Hello, Bridgertons," Val greets.

I smile as I step down from the carriage. I can see that Lady Danbury, Lady Mary, Kate and Edwina have just arrived I assume moments before us.

Daphne steps forward with Augie in her arms. "Lady Mercy."

"Your Grace," I greet. I lean forward to grab Augie's little hand in mine. "You are getting bigger every time I see you."

"Lady Mercy," Lady Bridgerton greets. "So pleased to have you."

"Thank you for allowing Val and I to join," I state.

Lady Bridgerton laughs. "Nonsense. You know the both of you are always welcome here."

Val smiles. "Even after the incident with the spoon last year?"

Lady Bridgeton laughs. "Even after the incident with the spoon."

I listen to Lady Mary and Edwina talk about their travels here. Edwina assures she has never seen the English countryside before and is excited for her stay.

"Well, now, you must be weary from your travels," Lady Bridgerton says. "Mrs. Wilson. Please show our guests to their rooms so they might get refreshed."

"And ready for battle," Eloise says.

I smile widely. "Mm, indeed."

"What can you mean?" Kate asks.

"Do not mind Eloise. She's always so spirited in the country," Lady Bridgerton says.

"Then we have that in common," Kate tells Eloise with a smile.

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