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Val and I returned to London yesterday. I was rather sad to leave my home once again but if I ever want to find a husband I must. In other exciting news Lady Danbury has agreed to sponsor the Sharma family this season. The mother, Lady Mary, is an old friend of Lady Danbury. Her two daughters Miss Kate Sharma and Miss Edwina Sharma will be coming with her. From what I gather the younger daughter Miss Edwina is hoping to find a husband.

They will not be here in time to be presented to Her Majesty today. I do not think they are missing out on much. I find myself in the same position as last year. Only difference is that Eloise Bridgerton is in front of me instead of Daphne being behind me. I can tell Eloise is already very anxious. She has never looked forward to this moment.

"Miss Cordelia Patridge."

"The Lady Abigail Evans."

One by one the eligible ladies are presented to Her Majesty by their sponsor.

"Miss Mary Ann Hallewell."

"Miss Margaret Goring."

Not a single young lady has caught Her Majesty's eye.

"The Dowager Viscountess Bridgerton and Miss Eloise Bridgerton."

Eloise takes a step before stopping. I can tell she is nervous. Possibly having a breakdown. Suddenly the doors to the room open. A servant walks in with a silver tray.

"What is the meaning of this?" Her Majesty asks. She picks a paper up from the tray and laughs lightly. "I've seen enough."

"But Your Majesty, there are still..."

"I have seen enough!" Her Majesty shouts before standing up and taking her leave.

Eloise turns and runs from the room. Daphne moves to chase her but stops. Instead, it is Lady Bridgerton who follows after Eloise.

I walk out into the room to see what is going on. Val is standing with the Bridgertons. I make my way over towards Benedict.

The crowd whispers as Lady Whistledown papers are handed out. I smile slightly.

"I am sure Eloise is relieved," I tell Benedict.

He laughs. "You saw her run away. She is rightfully ecstatic."

I hold the Whistledown paper up. "And here I was thinking this season would be boring."

"I am glad to see you are back," Benedict tells me.

"I must confess it was hard to bring myself back," I tell him. "I would stay in Scotland forever if I had no need to marry."

Dearest gentle reader. Did you miss me? As the members of our esteemed ton lazily sojourned in their rustic retreats, this author was doing but one thing. Honing my skills. Or should I say, hatching my plans? No, even better. I was sharpening my knives... for all of you. Questions abound as to this author's identity and means. Seeking those answers shall prove fruitless, indeed. There is, of course, another unknown identity at present. Though, this one you will be able to unearth. I speak of the season's diamond, wherever she may be. Your move, Your Majesty.

The Sharmas arrived rather late last night while the rest of us were asleep. Lady Danbury, Val, and I are greeting them in the drawing room this morning. Well rather Lady Mary and Miss Edwina. Miss Sharma is nowhere to be seen.

"Lady Mary," Lady Danbury greets.

"Lady Danbury," Lady Mary greets. "Oh, how delightful it is to see you."

"And you," Lady Danbury tells her. "After all these years." Lady Danbury takes Lady Mary's hand in hers. "You look well." She turns to my brother and I. "May I introduce Lord Valentine Lockhart and his sister Lady Mercy Lockhart."

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