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I arrive at the ball on the arm of Val. We both look around for a moment perhaps readying ourselves for the no doubtedly long night ahead of us.

I turn to my brother. "You have done your part. I think I can handle myself from here."

Val chuckles as he gestures to his right. "I do believe the brandy is that way."

I spot Daphne all by herself. "Daph."

"Mercy. There you are," Daphne says.

I chuckle. "Me? You've been the one busy dancing all night."

Daphne smiles slightly. "Benedict told me to tell you hello."

"Is he not here?" I question.

"No. he said he had something else planned for tonight," Daphne tells me.

I nod my head. I cannot exactly put it into words, but I feel most displeased that Benedict is not here. I find him a comfort of sorts at these events. He and his brothers are perhaps the only gentlemen I can speak to without my brother asking of their intentions.

"I saw your brother dancing with a few young ladies," Daphne tells me.

I wave her off. "Most mamas of the ton forget that Valentine is only nineteen and a long way from being ready for marriage. They think that since he is a duke, he will be the best possible match for their daughter regardless of his youth."

"Daphne!" Cressida walks over towards us. "You look beautiful, as always."

"Thank you, Cressida," Daphne says.

"You could have chosen anyone. You have gentlemen lined up to pay you tribute. Yet you did not hesitate to steal my chance for happiness away, did you? I knew the marriage market would make rivals of us, but I never thought you capable of being my enemy," Cressida says.

"The man made his choice, Cressida," Daphne tells her. "What did you expect me to do?" She walks off towards the prince.

I smile a sickeningly sweet smile at Cressida. "Enjoy your evening, Miss Cowper."

I take a few rather boring turns on the dancefloor. I do not find any of my dance partners all that interesting. I can only imagine they feel the same about me since I spoke as little as possible to all of them.

"Lady Mercy," Anthony says as he walks towards me. "I was hoping to speak with you."

I look at him curiously. "You were?"

Anthony smiles as he nods. "No doubtedly staring at me right now is my mother and Miss Addington."

"Oh," I say in a moment of clarity, "You are running away from a young lady your mama wishes for you to meet."

"I am not running away," Anthony insists.

"Then what would you call your actions?" I question.

"Simply accompanying another young lady on the dance floor," Anthony says as he holds his hand out to me.

I laugh as I take his hand and he leads us onto the dance floor. I can see some people eyeing Anthony and I suspiciously. I do not believe I have ever seen Anthony dance at a ball.

"Since I so graciously agreed to dance with you you must tell me one thing," I tell Anthony.

"Which is?" Anthony asks.

"What by chance is your problem with Miss Addington?" I question.

"Nothing is wrong with her. It is just..." Anthony sighs. "If and when I decide to marry, I will not need my mother to play matchmaker."

Upper Ten Thousand// Anthony & Benedict Bridgertonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن