The bad flirting lines were for our sake, I realize now. Celia and Patrick were wide-eyed and at a loss since the couple opposite them remained stoic and rigid, unfazed by whatever performance was happening right in front of them.

My disguise was good enough that I could step in the room and ease the tension.

We needed the two of them to want to be happy or be influenced by people who appeared happy...clearly not even Celia and Patrick could make them laugh or put their heads together for a bit of gossip.

Clearing my throat, I put on my best customer-service smile and waltz in.

"Mr and Mrs. Wyatt?" I asked in a clear and professional tone.

Patrick and Celia exchange glances before nodding towards me...Thank God we picked full names for this ages ago.

Sitting near them, I made sure my back was to Randy since I didn't want to be under his scrutiny for too long."Before you can see the counsellor, I'd like to ask you a few brief questions."

"Anything," Mrs.Wyatt declared, giving me the courage to continue.

"We've been made aware that you've had some disagreements that have gone unresolved and it's affecting your marriage?" I shifted my head sideways as naturally as I could to indicate that we had to bring up problems involving Randy and Dana out in the open.

"She doesn't let me get a word in edge wise and always goes on and on about some guy on television!" Patrick spat, crossing his arms to hide the thumbs up he was offering me.

A snicker escapes from Randy, a sign for all three of us to continue.

"He's...he's..." Celia paused, searching for the right words that would create a blow to Patrick and catch the attention of the woman behind me.

"He's so condescending! He doesn't understand what it's like to be interested in other people!"

A slow, languid nod from Patrick aka Mr. Wyatt was meant to convey a sense of contained fury but I knew it was for my own benefit - we had them now and the slight 'tsk' coming from Dana was confirmation enough.

Her reaction however, didn't sit well with her husband who struck with bitter resentment. "And why should he, when he's married?"

"Because it's called being a fan!" Dana remarked coldly.

"No, it's called being obsessive when she's already married!"

"No...maybe she wouldn't if her husband just gave her more attention!"

"What? So now it's his fault?"

"My delectable sugar muffin, when have I not worshipped the ground you tread upon?"

The last one garnered Patrick a severe look from me and an elbow to the side from Celia.

Randy and Dana finally burst through with their own problems so now it was time for the Wyatts to display their love for each other...just not in the sickening way Patrick's headed towards.

Celia's brows furrow, the wheels in her head turning to bring the flow of conversation back with some reality. "I know you love me, but would it kill you to let me enjoy myself?"

"Yes. Yes, I think it would since I should be good enough and all you need."

"Exactly!" Randy burst.

"When have I ever said you weren't good enough?" Celia countered evenly.

"Thank you!" Dana exclaimed.

"You certainly don't show it," Patrick said, easing his arms out to sigh.

"I married you, after all."

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