It's the middle of the night and I couldn't sleep. Everything I learned keeps circling through my mind. I knew what I need to do. What I have to do. But the question is, am I mentally prepared for it? No. Not really but I have no choice. We are running out of time and more people are going to get hurt. I sat up from the couch as I look over at Iridiana who's passed out on the other couch. I quietly lift my blanket off before standing up and walking towards the front door. The floor boards creak here and there but nothing too loudly or too occasionally. I look around the dark house and felt my chest tighten as I knew I'll probably see none of them ever again. But, it will be for the best. It's better this way.
I open the door slowly before stepping out into the cold air. I closed the door as I look around the dark street. Something about this street seems familiar to me. I couldn't pinpoint when I've been here or if I just seen it somewhere. I shook that thought away as I went my way towards where the ritual is going to be held. Mr. Tomas told us he stopped going along with Mr. Dubuik's plans once he couldn't find Hector after the school burned down. He also told us where the ritual was going to be held, because he wanted to help his son stop the ritual from happening. I wanted that too. But now I need it to happen. I need to save Joz and now I have to make a deal with the devil himself. It's the only way to end all of this.
"Naberius. You knew who I really was didn't you?" I ask him quietly.
"Yes." Naberius answers simply.
"And you didn't think to tell me?" I ask infuriated with him.
"My brother didn't tell you, so why should I?" Naberius asks bored.
"He was going to until your stupid lord took him and threw him in the pit of fire." I growled at him.
Naberius didn't answer after that, but I didn't blame him as he wants to save Joz just as much as I do. He just doesn't show it. I just know that devil will pay for taking away Joz and my father. My real father. I might not have known him, and he might have been a demon. But he's still my fresh and blood, and I would have liked to have met him at least once. Same with my real mother. I will always love my adopted parents but is it wrong for me to be curious and want to meet my real parents? I let out a sigh as I just want this nightmare to end, but first I just want to ask the devil why. Why ruin my family? Why take my dad away? Why take Joz away? Joz was on a contract so he wasn't supposed to be taken away until after I die. The devil broke the contract.

The sun was high in the sky when I finally reached the destination. It was a big open field behind the burned down academy. I had to do a lot of back track but I'm here. I saw some tents up, so they were here already. I also saw a big pentagram drawn in the dirt in bright red. I'm guessing that's blood. I look around the field and sense such a weird vibe here. It's giving me shivers, and I almost turned back but I stopped myself. There are no animals around, and not even a sound. It's just so eerily quiet that it's giving me goosebumps. I noticed even some of the grass and trees are dead, which can't be a great sign.
I let out a sigh as no matter what I'm going to go forward. I walk towards once of the tents. Which was a small orange tent. I hesitatingly unzipped it before quickly moving the flap, but nobody was in there. It was just a sleeping bag and a duffel bag. I closed the flap of the tent before moving on to the next tent. This tent was the same size as the orange one but it was red. I unzipped and quickly moved the flap once again. Once again, there was just a sleeping bag and a duffle bag. I let out an annoyed sigh before turning towards the last two tents. It was a large white tent and another small green tent. I'm assuming that the last small tent was just going to be another sleeping bag and duffle bag. So I just went straight for the large white tent.
It didn't have a zipper, so I just moved there flaps aside. My mouth drops open and my eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. There was a table and an alter in here. On the table there was-well I guess ingredients I guess? They look very disturbing. One thing I recognized was a jar filled with blood, but I'm not sure whose blood it was. I also recognized a human's heart that's sitting in a bowl. I nearly gagged, so I had to look away. The alter though, had a large book on it and it had something written on it. It almost looked like Latin to me. I felt a dark aura around that book, and it made me feel extremely uncomfortable. I took a step back, but suddenly it felt like my body just froze and I couldn't move.
"Grab the book." Naberius orders firmly.
"Your not the boss of me. Let me go! I need to get out of this tent!" I hissed at him.
"You don't understand! You will never understand! Grab the fucking book and go!" Naberius hisses.
"Go? I thought you wanted the ritual to happen?" I ask confused.
"I did. But if they have this book, then none of this will end well. So you need to grab the book and go now!" Naberius growls hastily.
"I-I okay." I fumbled over my words as I hesitated walked over to the book and reached out for it.
My hands shook as I have a bad feeling about this. The dark aura increased as my hands got closer to the book, and when I'm about to grab the book, I'm suddenly pulled backwards. I nearly screamed when I'm spun around but a hand slammed over my mouth to shush me. I grabbed my captors wrist as it's a reflex before looking up with fear. But, the moment I looked up all I saw was another demon. He was tall, with reddish hair, and amber eyes that glow and moves like stardust. He has a long black tail and regal horns. They come up before going back a little way before going straight up again. I noticed that one of his horns are missing though, broken off. The demon then steps back away from me, before letting my mouth go as his eyes widen. I stare at him as he takes another step away from me like he's seen a ghost.
"Lon-Lonnie?" He asks not believing what he's seeing.
"Um, yeah? Who are you?" I ask but felt like I should know him.
"Oh. Yeah I guess it is understandable that you don't know who I am." He says with hurt in his eyes.
"What do you mean?" I ask watching him closely.
"Lonnie, I'm your father. Your real father."

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