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The weekend is here, and I spent it locked in my room talking with Joz. I’m so happy that he came back, but he’s still refusing to tell me on why he ignored me. I’ll let it go for now, as I’m just grateful he’s not ignoring me now. This month, however, is almost over with, which means I need to practice those lines for the play. Mr. Dubuik coming and the play is at the end of next month. We sadly only have one week left of this month. I’m not ready for May. I wish we could skip May and go straight to June and the graduation. I know that’s impossible, but I can dream. I still haven’t figured out how I’m going to stop the ritual and the marriage.
“Hey Joz.” I say.
“Yes, dear Lonnie?” Joz asks. 
“Do you have any ideas about how I can stop the ritual to bring forth the devil from happening?” I ask him. 
“Well, unfortunately, they need you, a sacrifice and a marriage to raise my lord.” Joz tells me seriously. 
“Yeah, I know, but how can I stop it all from happening? Also, why the hell does the devil even need a marriage to be risen?” I ask, confused. 
“It’s not just any typical mortal marriage that he needs to be risen, otherwise he would have risen a lot more often. He needs a marriage between someone who came back from the dead and a dark user.” Joz explains to me. 
“Oh. So that would explain why Mr. Dubuik helped my mother bring me back.” I say, realizing it. 
“Yup.” Joz says casually. 
“But why did you agree to it?” I ask him. 
“What?” Joz asks, thrown off. 
“Why did you agree to help bring me back? I heard demons rarely agree to bringing people back from the dead, because they get stuck in our minds until we die.” I ask him curiously.
“That’s none of your business.” Joz says harshly. 
“You can trust me, Joz. Please tell me the reason.” I pleaded with him.
“I said it’s none of your business, Lonnie!” Joz growls.
I flinch, but let it go as I look down at the ground, feeling upset. I don’t understand why he doesn’t trust me, or maybe it’s just a demon thing. I’m not sure, but I will not push him anymore. I don’t want him mad and ignoring me once again. I whispered a sorry to him as I stood up and went over to grab the script. I mine as well study my lines since I made things awkward with Joz again. I wish I didn’t get a part. I wish I didn’t have the lead role. This truly sucks. I lay down on my bed before looking over my lines, but I instantly became bored. I don’t want to do this. I thought stubbornly.
“How will you learn your lines if you never study them?” Joz asks calmer. 
“I never wanted the lead role. If I didn’t get any role or just got the part I tried for, I would’ve been fine.” I tell him, relieved that he’s not angry. 
“Well, you didn’t get either, so now you got to study.” Joz tells me like a parent. 
“Ugh! I don’t wanna!” I whine. 
“Okay, don’t. I’m not the one who will be up on stage in front of people not knowing my lines. So it’s not my problem.” Joz tells me, making me frown.
“I hate it when you do that.” I muttered at him. 
Joz chuckles before telling me, “Well, there’s always another option.” 
“What’s the other option?” I ask, raising an eyebrow.
“Magic.” Joz simply says. 
“No. You know I will never use magic, Joz.” I tell him firmly. 
“Okay, just know it’s an option.” Joz says.
I let out a sigh before I study my lines. If I can at least do two pages, then it’s a start. Luckily, it seems the guy has more lines than the girl at the moment, but I’ll be on stage a lot. Oh no! I forgot Tynan is going to be the stupid lead. Ugh! He’s an asshole. I shake my head as I continue studying my lines, and I ended up doing more lines as the play is interesting. I was getting close to the end when I noticed a scene in the play. I look closer and my heart stopped at what it says that I have to do. What. The. Fuck! What the hell was Mr. Pilcher thinking adding a scene like this in a highschool play? There is absolutely no way I’m kissing that asshole! It’s bad enough he kissed me once against my will, but I will not do it willingly for a play!
I stood up before slipping on some shoes before rushing out of my room. I need to talk with Mr. Pilcher ASAP! He needs to change this scene before Tynan notices it, unless he already knows. That must be why he wanted us to be the lead roles! He saw that the play had a kiss scene between the two leads and wanted to butt in. What a pervert. I grit my teeth together before marching towards the school, but stop when I heard Tynan’s voice in the distance. My body trembled in anger at his voice, and I felt my fingertips tingle, but I try to ignore them. I change directions as I march towards where Tynan is, as I felt so much anger coursing through me.
“Lonnie stop! This is not a good idea! You’re too pissed!” Joz warns me.
I ignored him as I rounded the corner and spotted Tynan with-wait with Grimshaw? I stop in my tracks in total shock and confusion as they are talking casually, almost like they are friends. What the fuck! My anger didn’t subside at all as I clench my fists even tighter as I glared daggers at them both. They are fucking friends? What the hell! What’s with all the fighting then if they were goddamn friends! I felt the tingling intensifying as it travels up my arm and it made me feel like I was being electrocuted, but it didn’t really bother me. I knew I shouldn’t have trusted Grimshaw!
“You need to calm down! You’re so worked up that your power is going to explode!” Joz tries to warn me again.
I ignored him once again as this time Tynan and Grimshaw both stopped talking and looked over at me with wide eyes. Tynan steps closer to me hesitantly and was saying something, but I couldn’t hear him. I couldn’t hold in my anger any longer, as I suddenly screamed and put my hands out like I went to shove Tynan back. Instead, he went flying backwards along with Grimshaw. Then my eyes rolled back, making me black out in a heap of sweat and anger.

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