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I felt frozen.

I couldn't believe my eyes.

Why is Hansen with Finn talking with him? Then again I don't know him that well. Hansen could be friends with Finn and I just never knew it, but why does it have to be Hansen? The person I become friends with? I mean I barely talk to him but at lunchtime and even still I don't talk with him that much. I'm closer to Stacy. I talk with her more than the other two, but in the end, I still don't know anything about them. They never talk about themselves, but always ask about me. I always found it weird but of course, being me never questioned them on it. I have to stop being afraid of this school and its students. I already know that this school has bad people with dark magic, but there's something more hidden away. I just don't know what yet. It's a good thing that I'm already weary of my friends because it looks like one of them is friends with Finn. Maybe Finn is Mr. Dubuik's son since he's like rude and stuff. I keep bumping into him as well, so he has to be right? I shake my head as I should leave and catch up with Grimshaw and Hector, even though I don't want to. But, I want and need to stay and hear what these two are talking about. I have a bad feeling that it's not something good, and for some reason, I have a feeling that it's going to be about me once again.

"Have you heard from him yet?" Hansen asks but it was slightly muffled from the door.

"No I haven't, but the last time I heard from him he said the plan is starting to unfold." Finn says as he's muffled as well.

"Then why did you call me here if it's just the same fucking thing as last time we met up?" Hansen asks annoyed.

"You told me to update you, and so I have been." Finn says sounding like he's trying to calm him down.

"Yeah update me, Finn, not tell me stuff that I already know!" Hansen yells pissed.

"I-I'm sorry. I won't do it again." Finn stutters which surprised me.

"Good. Now, let me give you an actual update since you failed in trying to become Lonnie's friend." Hansen says angry still.

"It's not my fault! She's a little bitch and then that bastard Grimshaw had to show up and ruined everything!" Finn growls.

"Don't worry about Grimshaw. If we stick with the plan then he will be out of the picture for good." Hansen says making me gasp from shock.

I covered my mouth quickly as I didn't mean to do that. I heard them go quiet suddenly, and it made me nervous that they heard me. I didn't bother staying to check if they did as I turned and ran towards the club room. It's stupid as I'm running there instead of towards the safety of my dorm room. But, I just feel like I have to warn them about Finn and Hansen. I know it's connected to Mr. Dubuik just by how they were talking. I still don't trust Grimshaw and the rest of the club members, but right now they are the only ones who are going to help me stop Mr. Dubuik. So, I'll help them by giving them this warning, as crazy as it sounds. It's hard to tell who's actually on my side here, but right now I just have to say it's the club at the moment. When this is all over, then I will leave this school and never have to see them again! I will be free! Alone, but free. I'll get a job and save money so I can move back to Alabama. It's the perfect plan, but it will take time and patience. I just need this to be done and over with first, and I'm not sure how long it will last.

I turn the corner quickly before I abruptly crashed into someone, but I didn't fall onto the ground as someone caught me. I look up and was surprised to see Hansen. How? What the hell? I thought pulling my arm away from him as I step back. I blink as I'm confused as I don't understand how he got in front of me. He was just in a classroom with Finn, so how is he here now? I then felt like someone was behind me and I quickly turn around and saw Finn. I'm so screwed! They came to kill me for sure! What do I do? Think Lonnie think! Don't show them that your afraid, don't be afraid anymore. I'm tired of being scared of these pricks who think they are all that just because they wield black magic. I glare at Finn before turning and looking at Hansen once again.

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