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It’s hard to know who to trust, but I choose to ask Hector my question about Joz because he seems to be a bit more mellow than the other dark users. My leg wouldn’t stop bouncing as I watch everyone play out in the field. Gym class sucks, but it’s the only class I have with Hector. Of course, it’s also where I have with Grimshaw as well and they are always together. I have to talk to him without Grimshaw around. I glanced in the other corner as I saw where Finn was sitting, and I noticed he still looks pale and thin. I guess that really takes a lot out of someone, but what do I know? My demon won’t talk to me anymore. I was thinking of using him as bait to lure Grimshaw away from Hector, but that will not work. Hector will just go with him, and I kind of feel bad for what happened to Finn. I’m not sure if his story is true about being beaten up by Grimshaw, but still. What to do, what to do? I thought, trying to rack my brain for an idea. I jump when a loud alarm went off suddenly, making me jump up from my seat. I look around in panic as I didn’t know what the hell it was. 
“Come on McPurthy, have you never heard of a fire alarm before?” Finn asks, snapping me back to reality. 
“That’s a fire alarm?” I ask following him and everyone else out the doors. 
“Yup.” Finn simply answers through gritted teeth. 
“Why are you even in school if you’re in so much pain?” I ask him like he’s stupid. 
“Why are you even talking to me, McPurthy?” Finn shot back as he sat down on a bench outside. 
“You’ve talked to me first.” I stated, crossing my arms. 
“That’s because you were standing there like a fool.” Finn states like I was stupid.
“Well, I’m sorry, but that did not sound like a fire alarm.” I hiss at him.
“What did it sound like then?” 
I jump before spinning around, seeing Grimshaw with an icy glare and Hector, who has no expression as he looks between us. This is just what I needed. Three powerful dark users near me. Ugh! I cleared my throat before trying to calm my speeding heart, but it’s hard when I know any of these three could kill me any second. Well, maybe not Finn now, since he’s injured. I rolled my shoulders as I stood straighter and look Grimshaw right in the eyes. I then explained to them that their fire alarm sounded like a dying animal wailing. They all stared at me, blinking, before literally all three of them laughed out loud at what I said. What the hell is so funny? I don’t think this is funny at all. These idiots. I hate them. 
“It’s funny, because it is a dying animal wailing.” Finn tells me between laughs and gasps. 
“What!” I yell in shock. 
“What are you all doing to my sweetheart?” 
We all froze, well except Grimshaw, who tensed and glared behind me and at him. I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders, making me tense up as well. I don’t want to be near him. I glance around, hoping maybe someone would help me out, but they all are just staring, well except Grimshaw, who’s glaring. I felt the temperature go down, making me shiver a bit. This is making me uncomfortable. I shrug Tynan’s arm off of me before stepping away from him. I stepped away from all of them. How did my life get so messed up so fast? I’m trusting two of the strongest dark users’ club members. I’m feeling sympathetic towards a dark user who tried to kill me, and worse of them all. I’m engaged to the strongest dark user there is! This is definitely not how my life supposed to go. I’m not sure how I pictured it, but it definitely wasn’t like this.
“What’s the matter, sweetheart?” Tynan asks making sure everyone heard what he called me.
“I’ve told you. Stop calling me that.” I hiss at him.
“Don’t be shy, my darling. It’s only natural that I give you a nickname, since you know we are engaged.” Tynan says spilling the dreadful news.
“Wait! You guys are what!” Grimshaw asks shock but I can see the clear anger written across his face.
“We are-” Tynan went to say again, but I cut him off as I push him away from me again and then said, “We aren’t anything! I don’t care what you think! We aren’t engaged! We aren’t getting married and I’m not helping you and your asshole of a father raise the devil!”
It became so silent that all we heard was the dreadful fire alarm in the background. The wind blew slightly, making this seem like a scene in a movie. I stood my ground and kept my glare on Tynan. I knew he didn’t like my answer as his expression hardens and the temperature went even colder. I was afraid, but I did not let him step all over me this time. They will not push me into a marriage that I did not want. Especially one that will help raise the devil itself. 
Tynan steps closer to me with a sneer as he whispers, “You don’t have a choice, sweetheart.” 
“So that’s your plan this whole time, isn’t it, Tynan? Marry some red-headed girl to raise the devil?” Grimshaw spits out as he grabs a hold of Tynan’s uniform top. 
Well, that hurt, but what do I expect from a dark user? I step away from them both as they are now shoving and yelling at each other. The temperature is so low that I can see my breath and have goosebumps. The wind and being outside is not helping this situation either. Finn and Hector even stepped away from the two fighting, but then I realized that this was my chance to talk with Hector! Grimshaw and Tynan are both preoccupied with each other, and Finn doesn’t like me, so he has no reason to butt in. I walk over to where Hector, is who’s watching the fight with no expression, but I got his attention when I tapped him on his shoulder. Hector turns around, raising an eyebrow at me before crossing his arms. 
“You know how to stir up trouble here, don’t you?” Hector asks calmly.
“You know very well that I didn’t ask for any of this. Especially being engaged to that asshole.” I tell him firmly.
Hector smiles as he nods before asking me what I need, and I instantly told him I need to talk with him privately. I watch as his eyes widen before telling me it’s probably not for the best as he looks away from me. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion before looking over where he’s looking and notice those two buffoons are still fighting like cats and dogs. I roll my eyes as I grabbed Hector’s arm before pulling him with me. I am not taking a no for an answer, especially if it’s because Grimshaw and Tynan are the reason. 
“What are you doing?” Hector asks, not even trying to pull his arm away. 
“I told you. I need to talk with you and I’m not taking a no for an answer Hector.” I tell him simply. 
“Oh, really?” Hector asks.
“Really.” I say as I pulled him around the corner and out of sight of everyone.
“Okay, Miss. McPurthy, what do you need to talk with me about?” Hector asks as he leans against the wall.
“Well, you know I have a demon inside of my head. Right?” I ask, not remembering if he even knew about it. 
“I had a theory that you might, since they brought you back from the dead. Why?” Hector asks suspiciously. 
“Well, recently my demon, Joz has been ignoring me and I don’t know why. I’m worried, and I figured since you’re a dark user and used to being around demons and stuff, then maybe you would have a theory?” I ask awkwardly. 
“Lonnie. I might be a dark user, but I’m not a specialist with demons. They are always unpredictable. They can always betray you and hurt you. But your situation is uncommon, and so I’m not sure if your demon, Joz can betray you.” Hector tells me seriously. 
“Okay, but do you maybe have a theory of why he might ignore me? He was fine talking with me, giving me advice, and helping me out. Now? He doesn’t even talk to me at all and now I feel so alone! I can’t trust Tynan and Finn and Grimshaw? I just don’t want to be near him.” I tell him, feeling upset about this whole thing. 
“Because he kissed you?” Hector asks, frowning.
“I-uh well-” I stammered, but he stops me as he places his hands on my shoulders before saying, “Do you not feel anything for Grim?”
“Of course not! He-he scares me and he’s dangerous. I can’t talk to him like I can with you. You are at least calmer than him.” I tell him without thinking. 
Hector smiles as he leans back against the wall before looking out towards where everyone is. I look to and notice that the horrible fire alarm has stopped, so we will all have to go back inside soon. I turn back towards Hector before grabbing onto his arms before yelling at him to help me. Hector stares at me with wide eyes before he coughs awkwardly as he takes my hands off of him as he stands up straighter. 
“What do you want me to say, Lonnie? I don’t know what’s going through your demon’s mind. It’s like I said before, demons are unpredicable and it’s always hard to tell what they are thinking.” Hector tells me after clearing his throat. 
“Unpredicable is right, but there has to be a way to get him talking to me again.” I say, still pleading with Hector, making him sigh. 
“Well, if you really want him to talk with you again, then just force him to. You’re his master, in a way.” Hector tells me before we hear a whistle telling us to go back inside. 
“Force him. Okay, I’ll try thank you Hector.” I say, feeling better after this conversation. 
“No problem. Thank you, Lonnie.” Hector thanked me, but it made me confused. 
“Why are you thanking me for?” I ask, but he just smiles again before walking towards Grimshaw and the others. 
I blinked, confused, but I just shrugged and walked inside, avoiding the two who were still fighting. How typical. I rolled my eyes as I went into the girls’ locker room and quickly changed out of my gym uniform and back into my school uniform. When I finished, I put my gym clothes in my locker before locking it and went to leave. Of course, nothing ever goes that easily in a school full of dark users. I’m suddenly drenched from head to toe with water, but I think it’s sewer water because it smells horrendous. I look up when I heard laughing, and I saw two girls I’ve never seen before in front of me laughing. I glance up and saw two buckets floating in midair, and knew that these two girls made them float into the air, and made it tip over when I was coming out.
“Smells like someone needs a shower.” One girl laughs.
“I don’t think she ever showers.” The other girls laugh. 
I clench my fists together as I look down at the ground, feeling my body tremble in anger and humiliation. I don’t want to cry, but I’m once again being bullied just because. I felt my fingers tingle and knew that Joz’s powers wants to come out, but I don’t want to use them. I clenched my fists even tighter, trying to stop the tingling in my fingertips. I tried to block out the two girls laughing, but to me it sounds like a loud echoing drum in my ears. I couldn’t calm my fast beating heart or my trembling body that the girls took notice. 
“Oh! Look Sheila, she’s gonna cry!” The first girl yells out laughing. 
“The poor baby couldn’t handle her first shower.” Sheila says as she pretends to cry before laughing. 
I grit my teeth as I ran past them, still hearing their insults being called after me. I burst out of the girls’ locker room and ran down the hallway. I heard people shout my name, but I ignored it as I just wanted to get out of this school and out of this uniform. I felt tears sliding down as I get closer to the exit, but my fingertips were still tingling. I knew I had to calm down before this power comes out, but I couldn’t get myself to calm down. I’ve got bullied my whole life in Alabama because my family was poor, and now I’m getting it here. I thought it would be different since everyone was more interested in my blood, but I guess there are still bullies here in this dangerous dark school.

After getting a hot shower and getting into warm, dry pajamas, I plopped onto my bed, staring up at my dark ceiling. I can still hear what those two girls said to me, as it keeps echoing in my ears. Everyone here knows that I’m not a rich person, and I got here because someone paid for me to go here. I was so worried that people would bully me for it, but when nobody did and was only interested in my blood, then I thought I was safe from the bullying. I guess I was wrong. Back in Alabama, they always picked on me because my family didn’t make lots of money, and it got worse when my dad died. They always called me the redheaded girl who has no dad and a crazy mother, and some would say that my dad didn’t die and just left us. People are just too cruel. I wish you were here, Joz. I thought as I rolled over with tears falling down my face.
My heart broke when he didn’t answer me, and I figured maybe he didn’t actually care for me. I don’t want to believe it. I want him to be my friend, to help me out. I don’t want to be alone in this. I hate feeling so alone. Please talk to me Joz. I pleaded with him in my mind. I waited to see if he would respond, but when he didn’t more tears fell. I’m really alone in all of this. Joz doesn’t even want nothing to do with me anymore. I’m pathetic. I shouldn’t be crying, but I can’t help it. I wipe my eyes as I look out into the darkness of my room. I wish Joz could be here with me. I thought as I stare in the emptiness. I know that will never happen. He’s a demon that’s in my head. He can’t be here in his physical form. I don’t think he would want to, anyway. 
That night I fell asleep crying, but instantly woke up an hour later. I felt a shiver go through, but it felt different. I sit up before looking around my room, but I didn’t see anyone. The shiver was more of a coldness that was just in one spot and it was around my arms. It almost felt like someone was giving me a cold hug. I moved my arms up like I was giving myself a self hug, and I imagined that someone was actually here giving me a cold hug. I closed my eyes, thinking maybe it’s my dad here in spirit, but I crossed that out and thought of someone else.
“Joz.” I whispered his name.
“I’m here Lonnie dear.” Joz spoke up softly. 

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